chapter 13: for the best

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My hands still throbbed
Maybe I need to just focus on me as a country too much has gone on my heart feels like it can't take much more.

I played with the cuts on my hands making them bleed and sting more.

I looked over a Gil a bumb had formed it's a shame I did bring anything with me for this situation.

Why couldn't our lives be easier.

Because we're country's nothing will ever be easy.

I kept poking at my wounds hissing at the slight pain.

I won't cry right now I won't sleep either someone is still out there I need to stay alert.

Gilbert's house isn't too far away Maybe I can carry him it would be safer than being here and warmer.

I lifted Gil over my shoulder he's heavy but I can handle it for now. I think I'm able to get down.

I kept one arm on Gilbert keeping him in place my other arm getting me down the tree.

"AH!" my foot slipped but I was quick to shut my mouth I'm all okay.

I set both feet on the ground.
Step one get down. Done.

I start walking to the house. Shit.
My sword.
If I get to the house Gilbert should have weapons. We'll be just fine.
Every single shadow terrified me.
I wish Francis was here.
Just a little further.
His house was how do I put it, you could tell its been unlived in for some time.
I gently barged in and led Gilbert on some what of a sofa.

Man, just being here makes me so emotional.

I wiped away tears on the edge of falling.

I grabbed an old rag and ran it under some water then placed it on Gilbert's head. It's the best I can do with no ice here. Or any I could find.

Now I feel safe enough to sleep.

I moved Gil from his current location to his bed, I made sure to tuck him in the bed hadn't been used for some time it was small. Too small for two people definitely.

I left him there happy that I could al least 80% guarantee his safety.

I searched the house for a weapon.

I found my old (favourite weapon) the one I lost on a battlefield (c/n) and prussia vs Hungary.

Gosh, why would it be here.

I led down on the sofa with the weapon on my chest and I let myself rest. My eyes were so heavy. My body felt so heavy.

Before I knew it I was asleep.
"Vake up I made jou breakfast" I woke to those words and being shook gently.

"Prussia?" I questioned as I rubbed my eyes.

"Ja it is zhe awesome me" He replied

".....Gil" my eye teared up as I looked at him is it all back to normal is everything okay now.

"Um ja duh who else....oh meine Liebe jour crying" Gilbert put the plate down and wiped away my tears.

" just called me your love." I looked straight into his eyes trying hard to bring myself back together.

I watched pink fade across his cheeks. He pulled at his shirt collar and looked away.

"Aah so vhat if I did jou are mine love kesesese!"

Oh man he was so cute covering for his 'slip up'

But I can't we can't keep this up, as much as it pains me it would be worse to keep fixing what we have.

I gave him a sad smile.

He put a hand to my cheek.
I pushed it away.

I have to tell him.
I have to do it now before any more happens between us.

"My sweet,
We can't be together it's too much,
to much gets in the way.
We just weren't ment to be according to everyone and everything.
Please, I think we should just go back to being Prussia and (c/n).
Just allies, maybe not even that just neutral.
Please understand....I
I have to go."

I grabbed what I came here with.
Just my cloak.
I was wearing the clothes from yesterday still of course.

He hadn't moved.

He just stared at where I was just sat.

His hair was messy covering his face, I caught a glimps of his eyes they had tears spilling yet were still wide and staring.

It looked as if he had gone pale from the shock.

"Goodbye" I whispered and shut the door before letting my own emotions get the better of me, I started my walk back to France.

At least it was morning I'll get home by afternoon I think.

Beste freunde für immer (best friends for ever) Prussia x reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz