she goes into her camera roll and starts scrolling until she slowly stops and closely looks at pictures.

"here it's this one." she showed me a picture of some type of medicine.

"can you send it to me." i asked her.

"sure." she turned her phone back to her, not long after i hear my phone ding indicating that she sent it.

"you look nice." she complimented me.

"thanks you look good too." i responded. not gonna lie her comment caught me off guard. she thinks i look nice?

"so what have you been doing before i got here." she asked me.

"just runnin the store you know have to keep busy." i said.

she giggled. she fucking giggled.

she has a nice smile. she seems sweet and innocent.

"i sorry but i can't see you running a store like being all professional and stuff." she laughed some more.

"you think i can't do business." i asked.

"no, no that's not it i just can't see you being so serious or i can't see you say something like ' the costumer is always right'." she slowly tries to stop laughing.

"costumer is never right, fuck am i running business for if they always right.

"your probably the only person i will work for and actually like it." she told me.

"what do you do? cause you don't mention your job or do you have a job." i asked her cause if she doesn't then her dad sure has a nice one to be getting her a car like that.

" i do have a job, buttt i don't tell people what it is.. sooo." she trailed off and shrugged.

"you gon make me find out myself." i asked her.

"maybeee." she laughed.

before i got to make another question about her job, he phone started ringing.

she pulls her phone out from her back pocket of her jeans she glanced at it before looking back at me.

"hold on it's my dad." she said before taking two steps back and answering the phone.

"hello." she answered.

obviously i  couldn't hear anything cause it's not on speaker. but i just stand and wait.

" probably soon, why do you want me to pick up anything." i heard her ask.

i pull out my phone when i feel it buzz in my pocket. it was just fezco asking if i was going to pick up dinner.

i texted him back asking him what he wanted before i heard Serenity hanging up the phone.

"ok. i love you too bye." she put her phone back into her back pocket

"do you sell backwoods?" she asked me.

"yeah." i responded and nodded my head to her

"can i buy some, do you guys sell the honey bourbon ones." she asked me.

"yeah let me grab you some." i reach underneath the register and grab the box of them.

"how many you want?" i asked her.

"uh maybe like 5." she responded.

"i didn't know you smoked." i told her, even though i know she's grabbing them for her dad or something i just wanna know if she smokes.

"yeah i do, im kinda hoping my dad rolls them so we can smoke together." she said before pulling out a twenty and a ten.

"so you hella fuck with your dad, he's chill like that." i question her before putting them in a bag and passing them to her.

"i mean he pretty much doesn't have many rules for me cause i take care of myself, and i never gave him a reason to not trust me." she said before passing me the money.

"it's good i got you." i refused her money.

"noo, don't be like that just take it as a costumer." she passed it back to me.

"it's good, i asked you to stop by i gotchu."

"just know i'm leaving it here so if you randomly find it, you know it's from me." she put it in her back pocket.

"you got a busy day, i don't want your dad chasing me down cause i kept you here too long."

"just say you want me to leave." she sighed.

"it's not even like that, trust. i just don't want you to be up to late building whatever you building cause i kept you here too long." i let her know.

"okay i'll see you." she told me and walked to the trash behind me to throw away her drink.

she walked back up behind me

"text me." she whispered in my ear before walking away and leaving out the front of the store.

now my dick is hard.

                                 (Serenity point of view)
"dadd" i called out as i put the bag i got from the store onto the kitchen island.

"the fuck you yelling for princess i was just on the couch, you get what i asked you?" he told me walking into the kitchen. no more then five minutes after i called him.

"i couldn't see you where on the couch, and yes i got it. you gonna roll one for me." i went up and hugged him smiling.

"of course i am, the fuck i look like?" he laughed and hugged me back, tight.

"i missed you dad." i mumbled into his chest. even thought i was just at school and hung out with Ashtray for no more then 30 minutes i still missed him.

"i missed you too, your annoying ass always wanting me for something." he sighed.

"you know you still gonna help right." he asked me.

"yeah, but i think my arms are broken, they hurt." i complained.

"nice try, you look nice but go change so you won't get irritated because you get hot." he told me pushing me lightly towards the stairs.

" your gonna roll up right?" i asked him before heading upstairs.

"yeah." he confirmed, already pulling a bag of weed out of his pocket.
Authors note: hola mamacita!

Forever with you | ashtray Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon