I don't really remember what happened, or how it happened. I remember I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying even more but the next time I opened them I was on top of a girl, Mila to be exact.

She was not conscious, and she was bleeding, she was bleeding a lot. Her nose crooked, was it broken? It was probably. There was blood on my hands too. A lot of blood, it took me a while to realise that it wasn't mine, it was hers. Mila's.

I had done this to her. Hurt her, so much. I felt numb at that moment. I could hear people, speaking, crying, shouting. Then someone tugged me away from her.

They were shaking me, yelling at me. I didn't respond to anyone.

Mother came to pick me up that day, I was suspended for two months, they said I was lucky to not be expelled. I took her beating that day without a sound.

I didn't beg her to stop. Didn't even cry as she did it. Just looked into thin air. Like any moment now the wind might answer my questions. Maybe the air could tell me what happened.

When I took a shower later the water turned pink from the blood. I scrubbed for hours, my skin felt raw, it hurts but I still kept scrubbing, the phantom feeling of blood didn't leave. It wasn't until I passed out that night, did I finally get some peace.

That was the first time it happened, it happened again too. But the next time was different, worse.

It was so much worse.

Present day

One should never underestimate the power of a long hot shower. After I came back home, I had gone straight to the shower, wanting to relax the tense muscles and maybe calm my mind under the hot water.

and dear god did it help! By the time I came out of the bathroom, it was already seven in the morning. Deciding that it was no point in trying to go back to sleep I got ready for the day and went downstairs.

Most of the others were downstairs already, greeting the lot with a cordial 'good morning' I went to open the fridge and take out a few cherries but my phone chimed with an alert for a text message. taking it out I saw that the text was from Kai

'They declared the body was found. News should be going public any time now.'

'Got it. 👍'

After the text I changed my mind, I wasn't in the mood for cherries anymore, instead I took out a whole pineapple and the supplies I would need to cut it.

Ermes, who was sat in front of me looked at me and spoke, "You really like fruits huh?" While eating his oatmeal.

I shrugged, "Well pineapples are supposed to have many benefits." I say, my tone making the sexual innuendo clear. His hand stopped half way to his mouth, his expression turning sour at my comment.

It's not my fault, that these people make it so easy to go after them.

Suddenly a ping is sounded across the room and I look up to see whose phone it was and just as I had hoped it was my father's. He takes out his phone and takes a look at it. His expression saddening.

"What happened? You don't look fine. Everything okay?" I ask, innocently. My father just shakes his head. "Nothing, it's just uh- just a business partner of mine died last night."

Before I could ask him who it was, Emilio spoke up, "Who?" He asked, I could see the silent question in his stare towards his father, 'Mafia related or not?'

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now