Chapter 1- A time after the war

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Chapter 1- A time after the war

It was a relaxing day for Rimuru. After he ascended as a God, no wars were ever conflicted on his country again. He also evolved into a true dragon and defeated Yuuki Kagurazaka and Veldanova. It has only been 5 days after the great war ended, and rimuru was having tea outside with one of his subordinates Diablo when all of a sudden a loud crash was heard near the bushes. Rimuru and diablo rushed towards the sound, ready for battle that was until they saw who caused tha crash and they lowered they weapons. It was Shion and shuna? Why are they fighting?

"Oi why are you guys fighting? We just finished a war ya know?" Rimuru said quickly drawing the two women's attention.

They both quickly stood up, embarrassed. As if on que, milim came crashing down from the sky. What was going on? Diablo seemed to have summoned Benimaru, Souei, and Ramiris. As to why Ramiris was there, rimuru had no idea.

"Why are you guys fighting? And milim, where did you come from?!" Rimuru exclaimed as he tried to stop the girls from glaring at each other.

"W-well.." shuna said stuttering.

Diablo seemed to be very fascinated by the scene unfolding in front of him. Benimaru was merely shaking his head, Souei was silently observing and Ramiris was-well being Ramiris. Rimuru stared at the girls demanding an explanation.

"W-well we wanted to ask who would be Rimuru-sama's wife." Shion said blushing. The moment shion said this, Diablo chocked on his tea and benimaru nearly fainted. Hell, even Souei and Ramiris were taken back.

To say Rimuru was surprised would be an understatement, he was mind blown. Why the hell would they want to be his wife? Was this what they were fighting over?

"Is this what you guys were fighting over?!" Rimuru asked and the girls nodded embarrassed. Apparently, many others also want to marry rimuru which made him even more surprised.

"While I'm truly flattered, I can't marry you guys." Rimuru said. The moment he said this, the girl's eyes started to water.

"But why!" Milim said nearly crying.

"Uhm..." Rimuru tried to think of an excuse. "B-because there are too many of you! I can't marry all of you!" Rimuru said, but this made the problem worse. The girls seemed to have dried their tears and are back to glaring at each other. It's as if even a small movement will trigger them to jump on each other.

Rimuru was very much, very uncomfortable with the atmosphere so he went to sit down beside Diablo to drink his tea. Just when the girls were about to jump on each other, Testarossa came waltzing in.

(Oh great another one...) rimuru thought to himself.

"What's going on here?" Testarossa asked.

"They're fighting on about who should marry Rimuru-Sama" Souei said calmly.

(Souei that's not helping..!)

"What?! I'm going to be the one who will marry rimuru-sama!" Testarossa said as the rest of the girl's started their verbal fight. All this bickering was giving rimuru a head ache. Diablo seemed to notice this so he went to get his master a glass of water. Diablo and Rimuru have been getting quite close after the war, it was because Diablo was very worried that his master might get attacked again so he always stays near his master. He even got his bedroom (not that he needs it) next to his master! Rimuru doesn't seem to mind though. Rimuru accepts the glass of water and drinks it silently while he rubbed his head.

"That's enough! Can't you see our lord is having a head ache at your bickering!" Benimaru announced as the girls quieted down and apologized to their lord. Ramiris seemed to have left, probably to go find veldora and tell him about the "tea", they recently learned slang and has been using it alot.

"Now, if you want to marry our lord, he has to chose who he wants to marry." Souei said as Benimaru nodded. It was true, rimuru made this into a law even before he fought the 100 Templar knights. The girl's were at a loss.

"How about we host a ball of some kind?" Benimaru announced and rimuru nearly fell off his chair but Diablo caught him in time.

"What do you mean brother?" Shuna asked.

"I mean, we host a ball where the suitors of rimuru-Sama will gather. A banquet basically, and at the end of the night, Rimuru-Sama will choose a suitor which he will see is fit." Benimaru explained as Rimuru tried sneaking away, but unfortunately he failed because the girls crowded him and started asking him if they could host the ball. Under the pressure, rimuru hesitantly said yes. And so, the ball was planned, little did Rimuru know that's where his enchanted story will begin.

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See what I did there👀 anyways vote and comment on what you think will happen next!

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