Chapter 13

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Nervous was an understatement, I was petrified. I don't remember any of my other family except of my grandfather. And I remember very little about him, but the image was there. Kind of. I've seen pictures though, I start praying then and there. They all could snap me in two and not think twice.

I'm currently pacing my bedroom, it 11:58 am. They'll be here any minute. What if they don't like me? What if they don't believe me? What if they treat me like mom and Martin? What if they...

Suddenly there's a knock at my door, I take a shaky breath slowly opening the door. Lorenzo is standing on the other side, a look of slight concern. I try a compose a solid smile, I can tell he sees right through it.

"Can I come in?" I nod my head opening the door for him, shutting it as he steps in fully.

I take another deep breath, still slightly timid. Enzo is staring at me intently. "You know if your not comfortable with them being here you can meet them another time. No one wants to make you uncomfortable sweetheart."

He sits on my bed, his back against the headboard. He motions me over and I sit on his lap, I put my head on his shoulder as he runs a hand through my slightly pink hair. "They love you to pieces Mia. We love you to pieces, don't you ever doubt that. There is nothing in this damn world that you could do for us to lay an ill-mannered hand on you."

I look up, unshed tears close to making an appearance. "What if someday someone wants to?" My whisper is quiet.

"You don't have to worry because it won't happen. Everyone in this family loves you too much, your the baby they we missed for years. Everyone is going to be overprotective and clingy." He chuckles, his chest vibrates making me giggle.

We sit in a comfortable silence. Enjoying the company and safety my oldest brother provides. I tense when you hear the muffled knocking of the front door. He kisses my head again, "they love you. But don't push yourself to satisfy others, go at your own pace."

I was grateful he wasn't making me go down right away, and deep down I knew my family would never treat me they way they did. Trust is hard to give. Once you lose it you never get it back the same.

About ten minutes go by, the faint talking and laughing can be heard. There's suddenly a soft knock at the door, creaking open dad walks in and shuts it behind him. "Everyone is here and downstairs, but I want you to know that we don't want to rush you sweetheart. Take your time, I will tell them to leave if your not ready. You just give me the word."

There another knock at my bedroom door before I can respond. Quietly opening a man, about mid 60's, walks in shuts it behind him. Just by the dominance he holds, it my grandfather.

A hard look, almost a glare, is settled on his face. When he locks eyes with me the air shifts. His look softens, as he eyes my curled up form on my brothers lap. He looks at dad, "a word alone?"

Dad looks at me, do I want to be alone with him?
I don't know him. But there a feeling of safety and security the envelopes me. After a moment of hesitation I give him a slow  nod, getting off of Enzo and letting both him and dad leave the room.

Now it just me and him, me assuming it my grandfather. "Hello Mia." His deep voice echos around the quite room, goosebumps rise on my arms.

I give a small wave, his lips twitch up slightly, was he gonna smile? "You've probably guessed, I'm your grandfather. You've grown, you've aged very well into the young adult that you are." My check flush red, that's the first compliment I've received in a very long time.

"Thank you." My whisper is shy and timid, I look down to hide my bright red face.

He sits down at the edge of the bed beside me. His thumb and pointer finger gently grip my chin lifting my head up, "you are very beautiful, don't you ever let people tell you otherwise." I just nod my head, my voice lost. "Your father has told me what you went through."

I tense under his hold, I take a sharp breath. "I am the only one he has told as of now. But I want you to know he is right, we all love you very much. Don't ever think anyone here will lay a hand on you. You were born the baby of this family and you will be treated as such. We will stand by you no matter what. We help you get up when you fall and protect you when you can't protect yourself."

I'm close to tears at this point. I jump up and hug him, my body start to rake with tremors. He hugs me back instantly kissing the crown of my head. He stands up wrapping my legs around his waist and walks over to the window. The window having the perfect view of the backyard, where everyone stands and talks. Chitchatting, laughing, messing around, just being normal.

"You see them?" I just nod my head. "We will do anything to protect you. That man could never lay a hand on you again because he wouldn't be able to get to you. You are safe and protected here." I wrap my arms around his neck, still keeping me eyes looking out the window. "Everyone wants to meet you, whenever your ready."

I look up at him, "will you and papa stay with me the whole time?"

He smiles, the lines show he doesn't do it often, "if that's what you want." I nod my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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