Chapter 12 (edited)

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3rd POV

The house is quiet for a change.

Everyone in their respective room with doors cracked open inviting the calming quiet of the house into every room.

The father of the house finishing paper work in his office on the same floor as the bedrooms. Lorenzo answering emails in his room, his suit jacket off for a change. Logan is sitting on his bed in blue plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt reading a book. Elijah is working on new tattoo designs at his desk. Marco is scrolling through his phone while a movie softly plays in the background. Malachi is working on homework from and Mia is just freshly changed from a shower.

Kyle and Donovan have finally left, promising that they would be back next week before Mia has to return to school.

Everyone is just enjoying their own company.

Until the security system dings throughout the halls, 'front door open'.

Suddenly the silence becomes eerie.

Everyone pauses, maybe someone left and came back?

Leaving what they were doing, everyone reaches their doors at the same time, pulling them open the rest of the way. Looking at each other in utter confusion.

They just stand their and wait. Because there no way the wind would set of the security system.

Suddenly the hear a faint crash, like glass breaking. Followed by faint talking, or cursing.

"Everyone head to my room, me and Enzo will go down and check who it is. It could just be Donovan or Kyle." Riccardo announces.

Following his instructions everyone, excluding said persons, make Theo way to Riccardo's. They leave the door cracked open just so they might hear something.


Riccardo takes the lead as the accent the stairs. Lorenzo flowing closely behind him.

The murmurs for the kitchen get louder as they approach. They look at each other before peeking around the doorway.

Caden Morretti.

Their youngest cousin, stands over a broken vase. One that had just been their for decoration. Both men enter the room fully, Caden still on aware of their presences, yet.

"Oh... they are so gonna kill me." Caden mutters to himself, just staring at the broken vase.

The older men just glance at each other. Riccardo clears his throat, causing Caden to scream.

Very loudly.

Both men wince at the girly like, high pitch. Lorenzo annoyance get the better of him, "what the hell are you doing here?"

Riccardo just watches in amusement as Caden looks up sheepishly.


The scream can be heard all the way to the second floor. The confusion and slightly concern tension can be cut with a knife.

Murmurs are heard but what is being said is not clear. Spending the next few minutes on straining their ears to listen they hear footsteps coming up the stairs. They all hold their breath, hoping it's just their father or Enzo.

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