Chapter 4 (edited)

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He's definitely aged, but his face never changed. His sharp jawline, pointed nose, bright green eyes, dark brown hair with a little grey. My eyes never leave his. He looked over at Mrs. Monroe and said something but I didn't catch it.

Everything around me feels muffled, like I'm underwater. I don't even feel like I'm here. I don't look away when he looks back at me.

I hardly register the shuffling of people leaving and the door closing softly. He looks back at me and smiles, like an actual smile. He stands up and walks over, crouching in front of me. Slowly I felt a tear travel down my cheek before I could stop it. He wiped it before it could fall off my cheek.

I just stared at him in utter shock, his smiles never falters, but his own tears evident.

"Hello love, you've grown so much."

And that's all it took for my tears to fall one right after the other. Without thinking I wrap my arms around his neck as tight as I could. He doesn't even stumble he picks me up off the chair, I wrap my legs around his waist hiding my face in his neck, silently crying.

I never realized how much I missed him until now. After standing there for a while, my grip not once loosening I start to calm down and quietly whisper "I missed you papa."

I felt his grip on me tighten, "I missed you too loca."

Finally looking up, I look and see the other man watching with a look of longing. Getting a closer look I know exactly who it is.

"Enzo?" I whisper, so quietly I thought he didn't hear me, but he did. I can see the tears he give me a wobbly smile and walks over to us. Papa puts me down and I basically jump on him hugging him as tight as I can. He picks me up just like papa did and hold me tightly, I can feel him shake slightly. Him crying cause he missed me is what cause me to break, again.

I break into sobs as Enzo just holds me whispering sweet and loving nothings in my ear. I waited for 10 years to see them again, 10 years I lost with the people who mean the world to me.

I finally calm down and take my head away from Enzo's neck and look at him. His eyes are red, but he has one of the biggest smiles I ever saw. I give him a watery smile in return, I put my hands on both of his cheeks and kiss his nose, laying my forehead on his. Something I used to do when I was younger, I whisper " I missed you Enzo."

He kisses my cheek "I missed you too babygirl."

I kind feel like a little kid on Christmas.

He finally sets me down and I sit back down on the chair, papa crouches in front of me again. "How are you darlin?"

I nod my head a little looking down "I'm better." I suddenly remember something and snap my head up to look at him. "What's gonna happen to me?" Papa looks at me confused, "am I gonna go to foster care?"

He starts shaking his head "god no, baby we're here cause your coming home."

I look at him with a hopeful smile, "I'm coming home with you?" He nods his head yes. Finally calming down, Mrs. Monroe comes in with Jacobs and give papa paperwork to sign.


After about an hour I'm now standing in front of my now old house with a backpack that has probably almost everything I own. I turn around and face pap and Enzo, they both hold a look of confusion, "is that all you have baby?" I look down nodding my head. Papa lifts my head up to look at him, "when we get home I'll get you anything you need okay?" I just nod my head again.

Jumping into the SUV with Enzo, I remember something "papa?"

He looks bad at me for a brief second, "yes loca?"

I look at him hopefully. "Could we stop by the gym that's about a half hour away some of my stuff is there for when I go?"

Enzo turns and looks at me, "you go to the gym?"

I nod my head with a smile, "I love boxing, I started taking classes back in 8th grade and I keep up with it ever since."

Papa give me a rebellious smirk "I guess me and you will have to put your skills to the test huh?"

I smirk back "bring it on old man I can give you a week to prepare if you'd like along with some breaks and maybe even nap time during lunch break."

Papa looked shocked and Enzo busted out laughing, he was laughing so hard he start wheezing. My smirk just widens, papa's face turns into a playful glare. "It's in now little missy, you better watch yourself. You maybe be 17 but some ticklish spots never change." My faces falls slightly and Enzo just laughs harder. I just huff and sit back in my seat.

Sobering up a little Enzo looks at me with a smirk, "come on loca, we all lose a battle at some point." Just as I'm about to respond a yawn escapes me before I can stop it.

Papa glances back at me before focusing on the road again and Enzo's smirk turns into a soft smile, "your should get some sleep loca, you've had quite the day and are probably exhausted."

I just nod my head, Enzo hands me a jacket they had in the car. Using it as a pillow I lean up against the window just looking out at the scenery. Finally getting comfortable I slowly start to doze off.

Not much changed with this chapter. Reason for the slow updates, I just finished the end of senior year. I have a lot more free times on my hands. Reasoning for editing them is that I want to change the plot slightly. But not much.

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