Coming Out.

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(this chapters in kai's POV)

My mum woke my up this morning. I haven't told anyone about me being gay or what ever I am. I still don't know what I am yet everyone knows.
"kai, time to get up." she's says softy.
"ok mum" I say falling back to sleep. When I finally get up I think of everything that happened.i start feeling sick and I run to the bathroom.
This has been going on for a couple of days. My parent know about it. And they know something wrong because im shaking a lot.
My mum walks in.
"oh my God, this has been going on for like 2 weeks what is going on?"
I just sit there wondering if I should say. That's when I realised I was crying. My mum hugs me.
"mum I think I might be gay or something" I say quietly but loud enough for her to here.
She stops hugging me.
"when did you find out?" she says "and how is this making you sick every morning? "
"I found out 3 weeks ago, I like kissed this guy. And then he outed me. The whole school knows and there all bulling me for it. " I say breaking down.
"oh kai, you can stay home today." she says hugging me " do you want to tell your dad?"
"no not yet" I say feeling a lot better.


I'm in bed and I grab my phone. I realised maybe there is a quiz that can help me with my sexuality. I click on one and I start answering the questions.
When im done answering I let the quiz load and give me the answer.
When it finally loads it says.

"your most likely gay. You have no attraction to the opposite gender."

"im gay?" I say to myself. I thought I might have been bi or something but I guess not.
I got onto tiktok and look up "how to know if your gay" just in case the quiz is wrong.
I look at a couple of videos and most of them describe me. I turn of my phone.

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