Not Myself 💔

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Parker gets up in the morning and puts on 'normal' clothes and not white power on his face. He takes of his choker and asks his mum to die his hair brown in the after noon.
He goes to school and walks in the gate. No one's looking at him but then kai comes out of nowhere.

"woah we really bullied you out of that phase " he says while laughing while looking at his friends. He shakes Parker's hair "go of then"

Parker puts on his airpods on and puts songs on.

When home room comes he walks and sits down. Kai comes in but sits next to one of his friends this time.


After school ruby and Parker walks to this cafe. Before going to get Parker's hair done.
They sit at this table and this waiter comes up to them and asked for their order. They both order hot chocolates and wait for them to arrive. While their waiting Kai walks in.

"oh no." Parker says while sort of being excited that Kai their.
"what?" ruby says while turning around "oh yeah oh no" she looks back at Parker "you want to leave?"
"no, unless he comes up to us " Parker says putting his head down.
The waiter comes over with the hot chocolates and Kai see Parker and ruby. He walks over. "hi emo " he says laughing, he looks at the waiter "add a coffee to their order..
"what type of fucken 17 year old gets fucken coffee" ruby says giving him a strange look.
"me you got a problem with that " he snaps back.
Kai gets another chair and sits at our table.
Ruby mouths to Parker "do you want to go?"
He says yes but he secretly wants to stay.

They get up out of their sits.
"where are you guys going ?!" Kai says.
"away from you bitch" ruby says back.

Parker checks the time.
"my hair appointment is in 10 minutes with got to go!"

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