Friends? No.

8 0 0

Parker is going on a walk to the shops to get cookies.
When he gets to the shops he walls to the aisle where the cookies are located.

A worker walks up to him.
"You need any help?" he asked.
Parker looks at him.

"Emo? Is that you? Did you dye your hair?" Kai asked with a shocked hair.

"Yea why do you care?" Parker asked trying to acted calm.

"Oh, it uh it looks good" he stutters.

"Oh, um thank you" Parker says smiling.

"so, you work here?" he asked.

"Oh yeah it's like my fourth day on the job."

"ohhh ok"

Parker looks back at the cookies and grabs on of the most chocolate one.

He turns around and walks away smiling. Kai walks after him and holds Parker's arm. Parker looks at kai.

"oh, so I'm sorry for how I treated you but like you look way shittyer with that emo stuff on. This suits you way better" Parker notices that Kai is blushing.

"Oh thanks" he says back smiling. "Want to get kfc it's across the road?"

"oh I don't have any money on me im spending it on these cookies," Parker says.

"I'll pay! I mean I owe you something for bullying the shit out of you, don't I?"

-at KFC-

Kai ordered for Parker. They both sit down together and talk about random shit.

The door opens and it's kai's friends. They start laughing when they see kai.

"Kai why are you sitting with the emo "
"I'm not he sat next to me !" he says with a gross face." omg piss off Parker you fucken emo bro I told you to fuck off what the fuck do you not understand?"

Parker gets up while crying.

Emo x bullyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें