Chapter 13: Misty Docks

Start from the beginning

"Ma! You're a lot more energetic!" Billy sounded surprised that his mother was up and walking on her own.

"There's still some life in these old bones you know!" The elderly woman chuckled. "My guess is that thing. That object has been giving me life, so I guess this is that man's way of paying me."

"Wait, if this thing has been giving you life, it'd be unfair for me to take it from you!" Jack was holding the clothed object.

"Magic is fickle, so if I keep it in secret and break my promise, I have a feeling that the magic will stop." Bobba smiled a toothless smile in front of Jack. "So take it, so that I may at least have less weight on my heart."

Jack was hesitant, but he could get the vibe that this woman was relentless, so he took the clothed object and took off the green colored cloth to see what the object was. As Jack unwrapped the unknown object, his eyes went wide to see it was an axe. A highly decorated axe, making Jack feel even more guilty about taking it. Jack already had Fire Maiden and Stonecutter as weapons, he didn't need three. What was he gonna do? His eyes suddenly landed on an etching on the side of the weapon's shaft. Harlequin. That must be the weapon's name. Harlequin the axe. Not bad.

"Thank you Miss Bobba." Jack thanked the small, elderly catfish person as a bright light suddenly appeared behind him.

"Okay, the portal is open." Eve wiped her brow before standing up to her full height. "Damini, gather some sand. Mifu, prepare your sword. Jack...what can you do again?"

"No idea, but I'm willing to find out." Jack began stretching while sheathing the axe in his backpack. Jack has gotta find a better way to store these things.

"Well I wish you fellers good luck, come back alive so I can celebrate by giving some of y'all some jerky ya hear!" Billy shouted at us as Eve's robot was the first to enter the portal.

"We will, so start making some!" Damini was surrounded by a cloak made of sand as she entered the portal right behind the robot.

"Jack, you go in before Eve." Mifu ordered Jack, and he nodded, not wanting to defy the scariest woman he knew.

Mifu jumped into the portal, then Jack unsheathed Fire Maiden and walked through the portal. Jack walked through, half expecting a fight, only for his feet to suddenly land on something made of wood. Jack opened his eyes to look around himself, noticing how the surrounding area was covered in a thick layer of mist. That made it hard to look around the area, there was nothing Jack could see. Jack looked down at the ground to see he was standing on some kind of wooden dock. Jack looked around himself, and saw that Mifu, Damini, and Eve were here too. Damini held a spear made of solidified sand while Mifu held her longsword in her hands.

"We appear to be alone." Damini examined, but Mifu closed her eyes, as though she was focusing on something. Jack noticed the wind blew through her lengthy ponytail, causing it to seemingly dance.

"Six people, 2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 10 o'clock, and 12 o'clock." Mifu drew her sword and aimed it in front of her. "I'll handle the 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock people."

"What! Fine, I'll take 2 and 4." Damini controlled the sand of her spear and turned it into a set of claws. "Eve, (Y/N), you two handle the 6 and 8."

"But how?!" Jack asked while using Fire Maiden and getting into some kind of stance. "The only way we can go is either deeper into the docks or back through the portal.

"Don't worry, I'm having my robot here scan the surrounding area." Eve informed Jack while the robot's head spun around. "The docks are arranged in a kind of maze, and we just have to go a certain way to find our opponents."

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