Chapter 4

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A/N: Short chapter alert!

Madeline's POV:

I slowly open my eyes to the bright sunlight coming through my open windows lighting up the dark green walls of my room. When I move to shield my eyes from the blinding light, Theodore, who was reading a book, realizes I'm awake. He gently kisses my forehead and lips before softly speaking to me.

"Baby, you gave us quite the scare these past few days," he says.

"I know and I'm sorry. I should have told you guys earlier. I-I just didn't want to worry you guys, but I ended up making it much worse."

"It's okay, we all know that you didn't mean to. Speaking of the others, there's a meeting being held by your father that we should go to once you're ready," Theodore says.

"Okay, help me up?"

"Of course, darling," he responds.

Theodore gets up, walks over to my side of the bed, and helps me stand. At first, my legs are a bit wobbly because I hadn't used them in TWO days, but Theodore holds me up until I gain my balance. After that, I walk over to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Hey, babe?!?"

"Yes, love?" Theodore asks.

"Can you pick out an outfit for me while I take a shower?"

"Sure thing, love," he says.

Theodore's POV:

I swiftly walk over to Maddie's large dark green painted walk-in closet to pick out an outfit for her like she asked me to. After looking through the thousands of clothes in Maddie's closet, I pick out a black mini-dress with short puffy sleeves and matching high heels. Setting the clothes on her bed, I head over to her desk/dresser thing and decide on the matching pieces of jewelry that go with the promise ring I gave her last year. After putting the jewelry with the clothes, Maddie comes out of the bathroom. I notice she has some light makeup on and her long black hair is pulled into a loose braid.

"Quickly get changed and then we can go to the meeting," I say while showing her the outfit I chose.

After Maddie changes, we apparate to the meeting room.

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