Chapter 9

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Madeline's POV:

"Hurry up, Madeline! Theodore and your younger siblings are ready to go," Voldemort yells.

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

"Don't make excuses, sister. I know that you have been ready for a while now," Tom says.

"Ugh, fine! I'm coming," I say, annoyed.

"Did you get my bags?" I ask while walking to the main entrance where my family is waiting.

"Yes, Theodore and I loaded everyone's bags in the car already, sister," Mattheo says.

"Ready? Andrea's already in the car," Theodore says while walking in.

"Yeah, give us a minute?" Mattheo asks.

"Of course, but if we don't leave soon, we'll miss the Hogwarts Express," Theodore says.

"You'll be fine, little sister. This will be a piece of cake and I promise I'll fill you in on everything you missed when you get back," Tom says to me as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

"Thank you, Tom."

"Kill those who disrespect you, my beautiful daughter. Make us proud," Bellatrix says.

The Riddle family walks out of Riddle Estate (formerly known as Malfoy Manor). They see that Theodore is in the driver's seat and Andrea is in the backseat of the car.

"Take care, little sister. I promise you'll be fine," Tom says.

"I know I'll be fine because I'll be extremely bored. I probably know everything the stupid professors at Hogwarts teach and more. I'm the most powerful witch in the world after you, mother, so I shouldn't have to go to school with "normal" wizards and witches," I say with disgust.

"Please do it for Andrea. Mattheo and you need to protect her now that she's a Riddle," Bellatrix says.

"Both of us don't need to protect her and I'm not going to do it happily if I have to," I say, annoyed.

"We didn't expect you to be. Now, go. We have to talk to Mattheo, alone," Bellatrix says.

I sigh and head to the car. I open the door to the passenger side and slip into the seat next to Theodore.

Mattheo's POV:

"Take care of Madeline. Don't allow her to get into too much trouble," Bellatrix says.

"I promise she won't, not on my watch."

"Hurry up, Mattheo, or we're going to miss the train!" Theodore exclaims.

"I'm coming," I say and run over to the car.

I slightly nod to my older brother before I slide into the backseat of the car next to Andrea and slam the door closed.

"Seat belts everyone," Theodore says.

After the nine-hour train ride, we arrive at Hogwarts. Nott, my sisters, and I head to the Slytherin common room and later to our dorms. Nott and I are in a four-person dorm with our friend, Lorenzo Berkshire aka Enzo, and Parkinson's new boyfriend, Blaise Zabini, while my sisters got lucky and are in a two-person dorm together.

Andrea's POV:

"Quickly unpack what you can of your things so we can meet up with the boys and head to the Great Hall together. I don't want to accidentally have a run-in with Parkinson," Maddie says.

"Don't boss me around, Maddie. I thought that it would be good to not be part of the family that is labeled traitors and become part of your family but it's tearing our friendship apart."

"Of course, it would! You didn't even ask me before joining MY family!" Maddie exclaims before using her magic to throw me against the furthest wall.

Theodore, Mattheo, and Enzo burst into the room after I fall to the ground next to the wall. Mattheo rushes over to Maddie while the other two boys stay near the door.

"Madeline Riddle, calm the hell down," Mattheo says, sternly.

Mattheo slightly nods his head to Enzo, who comes over to me, helps me up, and leads me out of the room.

Madeline's POV:

"You can't attack Andrea like that Maddie. Maybe you and I have to share a dorm, so I can keep you in check. I promised our mother that I would keep you out of any major trouble this year. It's only the first day of school, Madeline. Don't start the school year off like this," Mattheo says to me after Enzo and Andrea leave the room.

"I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me since I'm older than you, so you can't boss me around."

"You're only older by three minutes!" Mattheo exclaims.

"That still makes me older than you."

"That's it! I'm asking Professor McGonagall if there's any way we can share a dorm because we're siblings. We're supposed to protect Andrea, Madeline," Mattheo says.

"Mother said we need to protect her, but really only one person needs to protect her. I chose you because I don't care about her since she backstabbed me!"

"You're unbelievable... Why are you so stubborn?" Mattheo says.

"You know that you love me when I am," I say with a smirk.

Mattheo rolls his eyes and Theodore laughs.

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