𝟏𝟒. 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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MINHO DIDNT KNOW why emmy was so angry at him. he hadn't done anything wrong.

he knew she hadn't been the same since nick's death, and that was part of the reason she hated everyone now. he missed the girl he used to know, he missed when they would talk constantly. she was fully closed off. she wouldn't even talk to frypan anymore.

the boy sighed as he got ready for his run. it was his second run without emmy. the first one was rough, every wall reminded him of her. it didn't help that they were all identical. he couldn't get his mind off of that girl, no matter how hard he tried.

emmy was now running alone, minho was newly partnered with ben. the two boys got along well, but minho would rather have emmy running by his side.

he looked around the glade for the familiar blonde girl, seeing her stretch as she got ready to run. he couldn't help but admire her, quickly turning around when she looked over.

"you've got to get your mind off her, man." ben sighed, as he got ready to run in the maze. "even if she liked you too, you wouldn't be able to date."

minho sighed, frowning. "i don't like her, i just want us to be friends again."

"okay, whatever you say." he chuckled, running into the maze and gliding his dagger across the ivy. minho quickly followed behind him, copying his actions.

"do you think she'll ever go back to normal?" he asked the blonde boy, who just stayed silent.

the rest of the run consisted of minho constantly thinking of emmy. he couldn't get his mind off of her, no matter how much he tried.

the boy was sulking for the rest of the day, slowly making his way over to newt and oliver when it was time for dinner.

"what's wrong with you?" newt chuckled, glancing over at oliver who was also grinning. "are you still upset about... you know?"

minho didn't say anything, but his silence was more than enough for them to understand. they both shared a worried look.

"i'm sure she'll talk to you soon." oliver spoke up, giving him a sympathetic smile. "she just needs time."

oliver and newt were the only two who knew about his feelings for emmy. they swore not to tell anyone and had kept that promise.

"i'm so angry at her: i just want her to talk to me." he sighed, stuffing his food in his mouth. "i don't get it, why does she suddenly hate everyone? why am i at blame for what happened to nick."

newt looked over at emmy as he ranted, watching her sit and stare at her full plate of food. she sat with gally; they both just sat in silence. neither of them were ever the same since nick's death. but gally wasn't ever chipper in the first place.

"why is she sitting with him?" minho scoffed, the other two boys shrugging because they genuinely had no idea.

they both could feel minho's heart crack as she seemed amused at something gally had said.

"i'm sure it's just because he's not that talkative." oliver suggested, newt nodding in agreement.

the british boy sighed, snapping for minho to look in his direction. "she'll talk to you soon, i know it. she's been through a lot - we all have - but we just process things differently."

he wanted to believe his friends, he needed hope that one day things will go back to what they were.

minho couldn't help but stare at her, hoping she'll look over too. but she never did.

his jealousy was controlling him. every time gally would speak to her, minho would want to cause a fight.

the two got up to help prepare for the monthly bonfire, an event everyone looked forward to. minho noticed that she hadn't eaten much off of her plate. it worried him, but he had to brush past it and help out.

the doors began to shut and the fire was lit, every glader cheering as a response.

gally's drink was passed around, minho had drank half of it almost instantly.

"slow down, mate." newt laughed, his arm around oliver as he took a sip of his own drink. minho didn't listen, taking another mouthful of the drink.

the boy sat down on the ground, sulking as he watched the other gladers have fun. yet emmy was nowhere to be seen.

he hadn't expected her to show up, considering her current state, and he didn't want her to him sulking around.

quickly downing the rest of his drink, making a face of disgust as he did so, minho grabbed another one. newt was concerned about him, he hadn't seen him like this before.

the boy felt a tear slip down his cheek as he began to drink. it wasn't long before he wiped it away from his cheek, pretending as if it was never there.

after time passed, minho stumbled his way towards homestead. he had brought his fourth drink with him, knocking on emmy's door as he leaned against the wall beside it.

she slowly opened it, watching as minho pushed passed her to get in the room.

"what..." emmy muttered as he walked around the room.

"why do you hate me?" he groaned, taking another sip of his drink.

"i don't hate you, minho." she sighed, shutting her door and walking over to him. the boy just laughed, a little too much.

"then why are you talking to gally and not me?!" he frowned, finishing the alcohol in his hand and placing the empty jar on the floor. "i've been sooo nice to you and gally hasn't."

emmy just shrugged, looking down at the ground in shame. it was obvious he was growing angrier by the second.

"you're a shucking mess, emmy." he stated, stepping closer to her.

the girl shook her head, breathing in before replying."i'm not a mess." was all she could say, her voice cracking as she spoke.

"i can tell you've been crying." minho said, watching as her reddened eyes looked up at him. "i know you've been skipping meals."

this time his voice started to break.

"just talk to me about it, em." he sniffled, gently grabbing her wrist. "i can make it all feel better."

"you're drunk, minho, you've got to go." emmy mumbled, walking over to her door and opening it.

"can we start over, from the very beginning?" minho asked, holding onto her wrist like his life depended on it. "i'll do anything. i need you in my life, em."

"we'll talk about it when you sober up, yeah?" emmy sighed, her lip trembling as she spoke.

minho nodded, slowly letting go of her and walking out of the room. he couldn't help but tear up once the door shut behind him.

a/n: i hate this chapter but i needed to write something so here you go!!!

i'll try be more consistent with the updates <3

ALSO, do we want slowburn or not?

𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 // 𝐭𝐦𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now