"Look" he continues, you can't find her, I'm not sure where my guys are so why don't we grab a drink and sit down?"

I scan around again. I can't see Danielle or any of the others, or anyone else that I recognise from Matt's party group.

Where the fuck has Danielle gone.


Matt slides in next to me at the booth.
Not opposite me. Next to me.
He's left half an inch space between us.

He turns to talk to me, his body moving closer as he does.

"Look Matt, I just want to make sure you don't think I've given you the wrong impression" I say clearly. "I'm married"

"I know that"

"Happily married, with children"

"Ok, but you were happy to accept a drink from me"

"You were pretty insistent"

He narrows his eyes at me.
"Your friend told me you were coming here, that we should come along, why did she say that?"

"I don't know, I wasn't aware she had"
My phone vibrates in my bag that I'm resting my hand on. I pull it out.

*Sorry babes Eden got herself kicked out, the girls called me, they pissed off and now I've got to get her home, Dani xx*

Shit, I'm actually here alone.

"I need to go" I tell Matt. I'm pretty sure he's read the text over my shoulder.

"At least finish your drink, just because they've gone doesn't mean your night has to end"

I mentally assess myself. I'm tipsy, but I'm ok.  I don't want any more to drink.
I want to go home.

"I really need to go, it was nice to meet you Matt, but if I could just squeeze out please?"

He stares at his drink.


I feel uneasy, I think back to the first night with Jack in that club in Mykonos, to other nights here and in other clubs when I've pulled, I've never for a second had the gut instinct to run like I do now.
"If you could just let me out please" I say firmly.

"Let me finish my drink and I'll help you get a taxi if you want"

"No thank you, I'll be fine"

He looks at me darkly "anyone would think you couldn't get away from me quick enough"

I smile "Matt, I just want to get home, I'm tired......"

" - do you do this often then? Come out, get all dressed up, act all flirty, accept drinks from men, dance and flirt with them, even invite them to move on with you, then bin them off? A laugh is it?"

"What no? I was having a meal with my friends, how is that flirting! And I did not invite you here, I apologised for my friend I don't why she did that"

"It's how you get a cheap night isn't it? I'm sick of girls constantly playing the game to get what they can!"

I scoff, a cheap night!? I could buy a round for the entire club if I wanted.

"Right Matt I'm asking you to please let me out of this booth"

He turns right to me and puts his hand on my thigh.

"MOVE YOUR HAND" but in the loud club no one aside from Matt hears me.

"Your husband know you go out cock teasing other men does he?"

Oh my god!
"Who the FUCK do you think you are!" I try to move his hand away, but he grips tighter.
"You're hurting me! Get off!"

He moves into me even closer backing me into the corner, he comes too close, he tries to fucking kiss me.

"FUCK OFF!" I slap him, shaken but now fury surges through me "fucking move!"

"No! You fucking tart!" He moves in again, his hand tighter on my thigh.

I will myself to not freeze. I think fast and knock my drink into his lap.
"MOVE!" I scream.

This time a young lad standing a few feet away hears and turns to us. Seeing my face he comes over. "You ok love?"

"No! He won't let me out" I declare defiantly.

"What's wrong with you man? Let the lass out!" The young lads friends start to follow him over and reluctantly Matt relents, silently getting up and walking away without giving me a second glance.

I think I have some kind of adrenaline slump and feel shaken.
"You ok? Where's your friends, who you here with?"

"No, they've gone, I'll be ok......." I stutter "I'm ok, I'll get a cab home"

He looks me over, concern on his face "let me walk you out to the bouncers at least"

"I'm fine really"

"Nah come on, if you was my girl or  sister I'd want someone to see you out safely"

Once I'm outside I take a deep breath of air and thank the guy for walking me out.
It's fucking freezing and my jacket is tiny, my alcohol jacket has well worn off now. I look across to the taxi rank over the road, it's heaving with people and not a single car on it.

I pull my phone out and do something I've never ever done before, something I scoffed at when Jack had saved the number in my phone.
He'd saved his pin under business name.

I call the number and type the pin when prompted. Immediately a real voice picks up.

"Evening Jack, where do you want picking up from and where you going mate"

I breathe a sigh of relief as I tell the security assistance company that actually it's Chelsea, and I really really want to go home.

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