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"Hello, mom and dad?"

Before they could respond Lucas shouted "Yes".

They two looked at each other and the lady also looked between them. She gave them botha visitors pass before they could form a rebuttal.

Luca did not know whether to laugh at what just happened. Meanwhile Genvi was still trying to wrap her head around it. What prompted him to answer the question.

The only answer she came up with was that he misunderstood the question. They made their way into the classroom that had other parents standing at the back.

But she wasn't a parent, just a nanny.

Lucas went and sat in his seat next to his friend Adam, who also happened to be his cousin. He was happy to have his father there.

All the parents stood at the back of the class as the teacher went over things. The door opened and in walked his best friend who also happened told to be Adam's dad.

They did a quick brotherly hug before his attention went to Genvi. She recognized him from being at the guest house the day, he gave her a quick head nod which she returned.

All their attention went back to the kids who were not taking part in a discussion with the teacher. Luca could feel eyes on him and he turned to meet the gaze of an attractive brunette who looked away from his gaze.

She was not expecting to get caught staring at him. Her eyes then went over to Austin, Luca's best friend. He smiled at her before waving his wedding ring.

She quickly looked away in embarrassment that Genvi did not miss. As much as she acted clueless  to a lot of things, she knew but what's the point of playing the cards when you are already underestimating.

It was now time for the parents to all go to the front and introduce themselves. Genvi stepped back allowing the others to pass her and make their way to the front.

The room became silent as the first few parents started to introduce themselves. Genvi excused herself to go to the restroom. This was all too much and way too soon.

The door behind her closed and she let the tears fall from her eyes. She didn't know the reason that she was crying.

Maybe it was the fact that she missed her mother who was still in a coma. How she wished she could just call and talk to her.

She found herself having a panic attack hoping that no one would come in and see her. She could not bare the embarrasment of being caught in tears. 

She was in the restroom for almost ten minutes, making sure there was no proof of her crying. When she got back into the classroom, Austin was introducing himself and next in line was Luca.

He eyed her wearily, he could tell something was wrong but was not able to pin point it. Lucas' waved at her happily as if she had not just seen him.

She gave him a small smile and a wave.

"Alrighty, Lucas sweetie tell us about your dad."

"My dad is Luca, we have the same names, Luca and Lucas. My dad works in a big big place and he's the boss," Luca tried not to laugh at his hand gestures he was making.

After all the introductions were completed, all the parents were then shown art works created by the students. Adam and Lucas was standing next to each other talking about their next play date.

The two always spent the weekends together along with their older cousin Talia.

Thirty minutes later everyone was sitting around a table waiting for the lunch to be served. The students who brought their own ate while the others waited.

Maid of Honor Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora