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Luca woke up to his business phone ringing, after the long day he had yesterday,  last thing he wanted was someone bothering him.

His day even became worse when he heard the very obnoxious voice belonging to his sister. 

"Luca," she dragged out his name making her way up to the third floor. The elevtor led to outside his suite so he was surprised she didn't take it.

He declined the call and looked down at his very evident morning wood. He groaned throwing the covers over himself. His sister finally made it to his room and he sat up only enough to show his toned stomach.

The first thing she asked him was 'Why are you still in bed?' and that reminded him too much of their mother. His sister was what you would call an early bird.

She was always the first one up in the mornings and this was a common occurrence ever since they were younger.

"I'm taking the day off, today is parent day at Luca's school."

Luca worked alot but whenever it came to something for his son, he would stop anything he was doing to make time. As if hearing his name, they both heard footsteps running down the hall.

"Hey TeeTee," Lucas jumped into her waiting arms.

Luca smiled at the two, Lucas was the only one who could get his sister to smile. She's always moody but around him it all changes,

He jumped into bed with his dad who laid the pillow on his crotch. The last thing he wanted was Lucas asking questions at such a young age. "What are you doing here Makayla?"

Makayla looked nothing like her brother, she sported blonde hair and blue eyes. She was not the most athletic person but enjoyed having 'meat on her bones' were the words she used.

Back in school she was bullied for being on the bigger side, but now she embraced her body as a plus size model.

"I came to see my big brother," she lied looking away. Technically it was not a lie because she was seeing looking at him. But the main reason she was here was because of their parents.

Lucas fell out of contact with his parents for almost four years. His father's 60th birthday was coming up and he figured that had something to do with her very prompt visit.

His phone alarm went off showing that it was now seven in the morning. Yes she visited him at six in the morning.

"What about I get ready and we can have breakfast?" he suggested and she agreed. Luca jumped off the bed following behind his aunt.

Luca walked into his huge bathroom, after he finished his business he flushed and washed his hands. He ran his hand through his bed head looking at his figure.

He thought it would be cocky of him to gloat about how fine he was. But he surely was a fine man, God took his time.

He stepped into the shower letting the cold water run down his body. He knew if he wanted this gone he could call for Abbi but he wasn't in the mood for her nagging. Her head game was good but that wasn't what mattered the most.

He removed the thought from his head and started washing his body. He closed his eyes wrapping his palm around his dick and started jerking off.

He tried to imagine Abbi doing it but that did not work.

"Fuck," he groaned when a certain body came into his head. He threw his head back feeling his pulse quicken. Her body, the way the tattoo she had on her spine matched her. Her curves as he ran his hand up and down her body.

"Fuck ah" he moaned as the white substance spewed from his dick. He tried to get her out of his head but was not able to do that.

Fifteen minutes later he was dressed up and heading downstairs, when the elevator opened, he saw Genvi, Makayla and Lucas sitting down.

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