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Today was the first day of actually working and Genvi was feeling very anxious. After she visited her mother and saw that there was no change, she still held on to hope.

The first order of business was for her to be introduced to the four years old little boy. She was given a list of things he liked and disliked, allergies and vitamins that he had to take.

It was currently six in the morning and all three maids were up and ready to start their day. She made her way to the main house which was already unlocked since Abbi and Flavia were already inside.

Genvi decided to start working on breakfast for the youngster.

Abbi was incharge of the third floor and of course the master suite. She did not stop sharing her excitement once they left the guest house that day. She knew the only time she would be getting on her knees, wasn't for cleaning.

Or was that considered cleaning?

The question plagued her mind as she started to take the stuff out so she could start on breakfast.

Eggs, bacon, sausage, and waffle mixture.

She found out that Lucas, favored some of the things that she did. So it would be a breakfast surprise.

She was working on the waffles when she heard small feet running into the kitchen. "Slow down". Luca's deep voice could be heard making his way into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning sir," she spoke up and he returned the same greeting. Her eyes fell to the brown eyed boy that was already staring up at her in wonder. "Morning sweetie," she got down on his level causing a shy smile.

Luca smiled at the interaction before looking pass her at the breakfast that she was preparing. He could not deny that it smelled really good. "Lucas, this is your nanny Genvi." he introduced the two.

Lucas waved at her and hid behind his father' long legs. Luca stood around six feet three inches with dark colored hair. He had some beautful hazel eyes.

Genvi quickly snapped out of it when she found herself checking him out. The memories of his interaction with Abbi had her pulling away from him.

"I'm making your favorite," she smiled taking the small boy's hand leading him to the dining room. She made him some apple juice and placed it infront of him going back to finish the breakfast.

Luca was still standing in the kitchen paying attention to how she moved around the kitchen with such grace.

Genvi found herself humming the words of her favorite song Jerusalema. The first time she heard her mother playing that song she fell inlove. The beat drew her in and she tried to not randomly start dancing while her boss was still in the kitchen.

She picked up the coffee and a cup pouring some into it. She added a small packet and handed it to him.

Luca took a sip of the coffee before walking over to his son and kissed his forhead. He then left the two alone and headed to work.

Genvi placed the breakfast infront of the child who quickly tried to dig in.

"No No No , say your blessings first." she stated and he stared at her confused. His bright eyes gave away all the confusion.

"I don't know how," he said softly.

Genvi pulled up a chair and sat right necxt to him. She then placed his hands together. "Then repeat after me."

She closed her eyes and he did the same.

"Thank you Lord for the food I am about to eat, Amen."

He repeated after her and then digged in with a big smile. Someone cleared their throat and she turned around to see Flavia entering the kitchen.

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