★ Chapter 7 ★

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       Luz awoke from a very interesting dream. She had kissed Amity in said dream. When she awoke, she felt disgusted with herself.

Grooooossss... she thought.

It had been only one day since she encountered Amity on the path. She hadn't seen her since. But that dream was... not a nightmare. Luz imagined Amity's lips tasting like... the rose lemonade? But she didn't want to think about it any longer. And Amity probably didn't have any more lemons—or roses—anyway.

Luz had looked in the mirror that morning, surprised to see that her hair was less messy than usual. Cool, cool. But... it was hard to stop thinking about how she felt. About Amity, that was. She had honestly been disappointed when she had woken up. Interesting. Oh, and whenever she saw Amity, she felt her stomach do a flopping thing. Like it turned over. She sort of loved that feeling. But also told herself not to feel it. What if Amity didn't like her back?

And there it was. The big "what if".

It was like Luz's mine had flipped a panic switch as soon as the thought came. What if she doesn't feel the same? What if she does, but it turns out that I actually don't? What if—

Luz heard a knock on her door.

"Hey, Luz!" Amity waved as soon as the door was open.

"Hey, Amity! Come in." Luz said.

Amity kicked the snow off her boots and stepped inside.

"What brings you here?" Luz asked.

"Well, it's Christmas Eve..." Amity explained, hoping Luz would catch on.

How had Luz not realized? She hadn't even gotten a present for Amity!

"I completely forgot." She said blatantly.

Amity laughed, "It's fine." She handed Luz a small package. "I'll come over tomorrow. Don't open it until then."

"Will do—I mean, won't do." Luz said.

Amity smiled. "See you tomorrow."

Luz waved as Amity stepped out the door.

Once she was gone, Luz sighed and flopped onto the couch. Why, oh why did she have to say it like that?

She felt her face heat up. How could talking to Amity be so hard? Suddenly, there was another knock on her door. She groaned and got up to open it.

"Willow? Gus?" She asked.

There stood a fluffy, blue haired girl beside a smirking shorter boy.

"Hey, Luz!" Gus said. "Long time, no see."

"Yeah, it's so good to see you guys!" She said, launching herself onto the both of them.

She wrapped her arms around both of them and hugged them tightly. She waved them inside and they took their shoes off as they walked in.

"I just realized that we haven't seen your house yet!" Willow exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah. Want me to show you around while we can catch up?" Luz asked.

"That sounds great!" Gus jumped in.

So Luz took them on a small tour of her small house.

"How have you been?" Willow asked as they walked.

"Good. This new girl named Amity moved in recently, so it hasn't been too lonely." Luz explained.

"What's she like?" Gus asked.

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