★ Chapter 6 ★

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       Luz and Amity's sleepover had been two weeks ago, and they had hung out a few times since. They had used the winterberries to make pie, since Amity knew how; they had finished the Azura movies; and they had done flower arrangements. Luz still had Amity's carefully designed bouquet on her counter since they had traded their creations. The snow had been consistently falling since Amity had left. It hadn't snowed quite as much as the first time, though. That had been an excessive amount.

"Hello, Echo! Hello, Akko!" Luz greeted her two pet mice.

She picked up the big white mouse, Echo, and the small brown mouse, Akko. She let them sit on both her shoulders. They scampered around, sometimes giving her scratches, for which she bopped them with her finger. She went into the kitchen and began to make plans. She wanted to see Amity again, but how?


Amity usually went for walks in the morning. If she walked down the path, would she find Amity? This new idea seemed real. She put her brown corduroy coat over her baggy beige jeans and white knitted sweater. Her fuzzy brown boots were under the jeans, but as long as the snow didn't touch her legs, she would be fine.

She set off, simply looking around as she walked. Echo and Akko sat on her shoulders, snuggling together in the cotton fluff of her coat to stay warm. Suddenly, she spotted Amity walking down the path right toward her.

Amity's eyes widened.

Luz ran toward Amity and hugged her. She jumped on Luz, laughing.

Since Amity had admitted to her previous situation, they had acquired a special connection. Amity felt comfortable around Luz, and Luz... felt like Amity was special. So special that Luz wanted to sit next to her while she read all day. She wanted to buy her so many beautiful pink rose bouquets and dresses that fit her liking. Luz laughed and spun Amity around. Her ruffled rose dress flared away from her fleece leggings.

When Luz set her down, she noticed that something was missing.

"Echo!" She scolded. She plucked the mouse off of Amity's shoulder.

Amity gasped in awe. "That is the cutest little thing I've ever seen!"

"His name is Echo." Luz said.

"Does he bite?" Amity asked.

"He's never bit me, and he seems to like you." Luz said, offering the fat mouse to Amity.

Amity stroked Echo's head. Once she was done, he shook his head aggressively to fluff up his hair again.

Akko nibbled Luz's ear.

"Hey! Little rascal!" Luz grabbed the little brown mouse and scratched her behind the ears.

"You can pet Akko too." Luz offered and held out the mouse.

Amity scratched the mouse between the shoulders. Akko licked her finger.

Luz put the mouse on her shoulder with Echo.

"What brings you here?" Luz asked.

"I was just admiring nature's gifts." Amity said, but Luz saw her subtly put something in her pocket.

"This place is pretty cool." Luz agreed. She gazed at the fallen show that coated the trees and covered the once grassy ground.

"And what are you doing here?" Amity asked.

"I just came here to see you, and uh... here you are." Luz said awkwardly.

Amity blushed. "I... made you this." She held out a small pendant with a pendant that resembled a purple otter.

"Oh, wow!" Luz exclaimed. "It's so cute!"

"I'm glad you like it." Amity said.

"You're really good at crafts and stuff." Luz said.

Amity blushed. "Thanks, I've been doing it for a long time."

Luz felt a snowflake land on her hand. She looked straight up and spotted a sea of grey clouds looming over them.

"Well, I didn't bring my hat. I'd best go home." Luz admitted.

"Me neither. It was nice seeing you!" Amity said.

Luz smiled and walked back home, shivering from the cold. She put one mouse in each of her pockets to keep them warm.

Once she was back home, Luz put the mice away and flopped onto the couch. It was enough walking for today. She lay there, drifting off to sleep.

She dreamt of winterberry pie and sharing it with her family. And Amity.

She awoke in a daze, hardly realizing that there was drool below her lips. Now she wanted to eat. She opened her refrigerator and discovered some leftover winterberry pie. It was a calling. She took it and ate it from the tin. It was not as good as it had been when she first made it, but it was still delicious. Luz stared at the small otter pendant around her neck. She looked forward to seeing Amity again.

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