☁️ Diluc x reader 📱

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'Your pov'

"Gangster_Unicorn...what an interesting name anyways thanks for the 10 gifted subs!" I said happily looking at the donation

"Y/n focus, enemy up ahead, their planting the bomb at area A be careful" I heard Kaeya said and I immediately avert my eyes back to the game

"I'm rushing in, cover me, Heizou use Fade's ult idiot" I said a bit angrily but heizou didn't seem to mind

Heizou used Fade's ult and used Fade's E skill

I rushed in, now managing to see the enemies, I shot 3 of them leaving 2 left

Ei sniped one out of existence and I manage to deactivate the bomb


"Woohoo! We win thiz" I said grinning and raised my arms up high

My chat was filled with celebration and I smiled at the chat

User333233: LETS GOOOOOO

Gangster_Unicorn: WE WIN THIZZ

FairyFire4: TOO EASY!

UserMyMom: What those hands do to be that fast

Tighnari_Fr: Nice one Y/n, also Collei said hi

Unichrome: Y/n use a sniper next round

"Thank you Tighnari! Also hi Collei!" I said happily when I saw Unichrome's request

'A sniper huh...hm' I think about it and mentally agree

"Sure a sniper now? Just so you know enemy team gonna die" I said laughing

I saw many others celebrate and I was happy, I unmuted myself and heard Alhaitham spoke

"Y/n I saw you agreeing on using a sniper, you sure?" He asked and I laugh

"Yup!" I said happily

"Alright if you say so" he said smiling at his monitor


"Heizou grab the bomb, Ei you can now rush with Heizou, Me and Alhaitham can take care of the enemy that might rotate on you two, Y/n take care of us from afar" Kaeya said and everyone agrees

I grabbed my sniper and sat far from my team

"Enemy ahead!" Heizou yelled and I immediately looked at Area C's front gate

I saw a Jade user and I shot them, it was a headshot

Gangster_Unicorn: HOLY SHIT

Unichrome: Alright I didn't know y/n was serious in enemy team gonna die

User333233: Ok- wow-

Sike-no: Alhaitham didn't even help lmao he sucks

-Reply to Sike-No: Alhaitham didn't even help lmao he sucks
KavehBTW: Shut up Cyno you don't even play the game bruv

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