⚰️Gorou x reader⚰️

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'Your pov'

You were on the battle field with gorou and the others

Gorou is the general of the Sangonomiya and your bf

Alright nonetheless let's talk about what you are doing in the battlefield

Kujou Sara, she was apart of the Kujou clan and now fighting you and Gorou

You were not an archer but you were a melee person so here you are fighting some kujou mfs with your sword

Until one of Sara's arrow hit your leg

You fell one knee and look at your ememies

They all smirked and about to end you until you use your elemental burst

Your vision is pyro making a massive overload

Your body flew back to your allies while you watch half of the kujou clan was injured some might eventually die

They all retreat from the place

You grin and lay near your allies slowly losing blood

Kokomi and Gorou rushed to you and kokomi really tried to heal you

From the overload your body got massive burns and bruises

"Stay together y/n please.." gorou said ears down tails down

He press his forehead on to yours

"Gorou if I leave can you protect kokomi forever for me?" You said weakly

He looks at you and nodded

"Pinkie promise?" You said

"Pinkie promise.." he replied

He kissed you for the last time and you finally slept away

"I love you" he said hugging your body as tight as he can
Did this when I was going to vaccine and stopped and did it again lmao

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