Looking up I see harry pretending to look at his phone, but I feel him glaring at us. I should feel bad about being so obviously affectionate in front of him, he still loves Taylor after all, but I don't feel too bad. He really messed up with how he has been behaving lately, so I don't want to put all my energy into not making him uncomfortable. I haven't forgotten the stunt where he was fucking someone when he knew we would be coming back, and then standing there totally naked afterwards with his wet dick still erect and pointing at Taylor. And I feel really bad for the girl that was in his bed, he used her. I don't know what harry told the girl beforehand, but she seemed in shock to see us.

Taylor sleeps in my lap all the way to New York, but I wake her up right before we get to the platform on grand central station. All three of us exit the train and find a cab to take us back to the dorms. We could walk or take the subway, but we have suitcases so we can't be bothered with that right now.

Me and harry head to our room while Taylor head to hers. I might come up later and watch a show with her. We are currently watching the resident together and it's interesting so far. Taylor loves greys anatomy, so I suggested another doctor show we could watch together. It's fun to have something where we are both watching it at the same time, and we can discuss it all.

«Look man, you're playing a losing game. Taylor will be back in my arms soon» that's the first thing harry says when we get into our dorm room. He has probably been biting his tongue all the way from Boston and just waiting to confront me. I don't really see the point of a confrontation, but his actions are those of a desperate man. it just sucks that the one he desperately wants is the girl I'm falling head over heels for.

«Harry, she doesn't want you. Why is that so hard for you to understand? And if you keep this shit up you will lose the chance to stay friends with her too, she told you that several times. Let her go harry» I'm tired of his caveman tendencies with someone who isn't his business anymore. Taylor has moved on, but he clearly doesn't respect that choice.

«My parents are sweet talking hers and they will all realize that you're a mistake. I'm supposed to be with Taylor, and we are supposed to be together because that's what our families want. She got lost in her ways, but she knows she belongs with me. So do our families. They want us together, they want us to get married, but you're the asshole standing in the way of that» he yells at me.

- Taylors Pov -

Snooping is bad, but I couldn't help myself from listening when I stopped outside Joe and Harrys dorm. I was on my way to ask Joe if he wanted to watch a series together when I heard them arguing.

I'm pissed at the shit harry is saying because it's all lies. My parents don't want me with harry, they wouldn't want to control who I'm with. All they want for me is to be happy, and they don't care who it with as long as they treat me right. Harry also knows me well enough, knows my parents well enough, to know all this.

«I get that you want her back, but she doesn't want that. Pushing yourself at her is just going to push her away. And her happiness should be the most important thing you should want for her, that's if you actually care about her» its Joe that speaks this time. But then harry yells the same crap as before back at him.

I've had enough of this, so I punch in the code and walk into the room to step between the boys. «Seriously harry, do you actually believe the stuff you just said? Because my parents would never force me with anyone, and they like Joe. No matter what your parents say to mine they won't change their mind. And for your information I've told them all about the shit you've been pulling these last few months, and they are pissed at you. Even if I weren't with Joe, I wouldn't go back with you either, just to make that crystal clear»

I don't know how many times we need to have this conversation, but it's exhausting. It's the same dance over and over again, and I don't understand why he doesn't listen to what I'm saying. not to mention that if he truly loves me, he should want me to be happy, even if that's not with him.

Turning away from harry I walk into joes' arms and lay my head on his chest «I came here to ask if you wanted to watch an episode or two with me» I ask him and completely ignore harry. If he is going to act like this, I don't want to waste my energy on him either. this behavior is getting old quickly.

«Sure, let me throw on some sweats and we can head up to your dorm» he says and kiss the top of my head before stripping down to his boxers. My man is good looking, that's the icing on the cake with him. Letting my hands run all over his bare chest feels really nice. So when we share a bed, I love it when he goes bare chested so I can feel his skin. His body is always warm and even though he has muscles he is still somehow soft enough that its comfortable to cuddle.

The bulge in his boxers is obviously distracting as hell. It's not erect, but it's still obviously there. I've only felt his package, not seen it, but damn I want to. We are taking this relationship slow in that way; I think we have agreed to that without even talking about it. But I'm getting to a point where I think I want more in the physical sense. It just has to be the right moment; I don't want to pressure us to get naked and tangle us selves in sheets.

«Can you stop looking at him like you want to eat him, because it's disgusting» harry groans from the other side of the room, but I don't dignify his whining with a response. If I give him attention he will just keep going, and I don't have the energy for that right now.

We get to my dorm room and set my computer up so we can watch an episode in bed together. It's only a twin bed, but we make it work to fit both of us. And I certainly don't mind the cuddling that comes along with it. He makes me feel so safe when he holds me close.

«How are you doing today? Did you hear from your brother while I fell asleep on the train?» I ask him before we turn the episode on. His brother got admitted to the hospital yesterday to prepare for the conditioning chemo starting tomorrow. their parents where fighting so Joe invited me to come help decorate Patrick's hospital room. Apparently, that's something Joe always do when he knows Patrick is going to spend weeks in the hospital to make him more comfortable.

«Yes, he is doing okay, but he is scared about tomorrow. Not to mention our parents have been fighting so they bought him a new game for his Nintendo switch to apologize. It's annoying how they think buying is gifts is going to take away from the stress their fighting is putting on us. And it's even worse when they try to make themself better than the other and get in a gift giving war to try to get the best gift for us to try to prove they are the better parent. Like buying affection is actually going to work on either one of us» he says and kiss the side of my face and tighten his arms around me.

He tells me all these things his parents have put them through, and I feel so bad for the two of them. It's not my business but for the boy's sake I wish they would get a divorce and try to co parent for the sake of their kids. But according to Joe they refuse to separate as long as Patrick is sick. He doesn't know exactly why that is, but they just do. Joe says he has stopped trying to understand all their reasoning for things as its exhausting.

«But it is what it is. Putting all my energy into wishing for them to act better isn't going to get us anywhere, so I have just stopped» that's the last thing he says before he presses play. It's a gentle way for him to put the conversation to rest, we both do that. I will be here to listen to him at least whenever he wants to talk. It's the least I can do because I am really falling for him.


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