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I woke up in the middle of the forest.
"Jayce!" Paige screamed.
"Paige!" I responded.
Paige ran up to me, and we hugged.
"Nolan!" I screamed.
"Shea!" He responded.
He ran up to us, and we had a group hug.
"I-I think we are the only ones who aren't sick," Nolan said.
A chill went down my spine.
"I think...I know what to do!" I said.l
"We need to go to the castle."
"That's a death mission."
"I know; that's why it will be just you and I." I continued, "Actually, just me."
"What, no!"
I grabbed the back of Nolan's neck. Our foreheads were pressed up against each other.
"Keep my sister safe!" I said.
I hugged my sister one last time and looked at her.
"I love you, sis!" I said.
"I love you too." She responded.
I began to walk away.
"You can't do this," Nolan said.
I tried my best to ignore him.
"I love you."
This stopped me in my tracks. I felt tears fall down my face. I turned around.
"I love you too."
He ran up to me and then grabbed my hand.
"Then stay; we will figure this out together."
"I already know what to do."
I kissed him and then continued to walk off. I transported myself to the castle. I ran to the wall, trying to hide in the shadows, and I used the shadows to get past the guards and into the crown room. Then there were four silver crowns sitting on pillows. I took one of the tiaras and placed it on my head. I soon blacked out. I felt my body go into an internal war. I was in a room with a figure.
"Don't fight it," John said.
I woke up and took a nearby sword, and stabbed myself. Everything went white. I woke up in a white room wearing a white dress. A guy around my age helped me up. I then saw an older version of my great-grandfather.
"You!" I said.
"Me!" He responded.
"Your him!"
"Yes," He continued. "I'm your great grandfather Peter."
"Where am I?... Am I in hell?"
"Oh god, no!"
"How can I trust you?"
"I don't exactly know." He continued." Anyway, do you want to stay or go back?"
"I want to go back." I continued. "I have two questions."
"Ask away?"
"Was the crown fake?"
"Where are the actual crowns?"
"It's the place you already know."
He walked up to me and kissed my forehead. I woke up in a glass case. I punched through the class, and it shattered around me. The adrenaline of smashing a glass coffin distracted me from the commoner seeing everything that happened. I looked up, and our eyes met.
"Hi, can we switch clothes?" I asked.
He shook his head. I put on his white long-sleeved shirt with a brown vest, brown pants, and black shoes. I put on a grey newsboys cap. He was so freaked out he climbed into the empty coffin.
"Well, I guess that works," I said to myself.
I recognized my surroundings, and I headed to my grandparent's house. I went on the deck and headed inside.

I walked in to see the calendar on the wall. It had been a month since I "died." I was hoping my grandparents weren't there. There was an older guy and a girl figure in the library, and I quickly moved out of view.
"Shit!" I thought to myself.
A silver aura surrounded my hand. I slowly walked up behind them and placed my hands on their backs. The lady turned around, and energy threw against the wall. Blood started to come from my nose as well as my lip. The figures fell to the ground. I sat up and lay against the wall. My grandparents stood back up.
"Hello?" My grandparents asked.
I looked at them.
"Hi," I responded.
"You are your mother's daughter." My grandpa said.
They helped me up and hugged me.
"Do your parents know you're alive?" My grandma asked.
"No," I responded.
"Why are you here?" I mean, we always love having you over, but why?"
"Well, when I died, Peter told me the crowns were in a place I already know." I continued. "Are they here?"
"We don't know."
We tore through the house. We met in the main room.
"Anything?" I asked.
"No." My grandma responded.
"No." My grandpa responded.
"Shit!" I said.
"Language!" My grandparents reprimanded me.
Then it came to me.
"When my parents took me to Katie. Did they give her the crown?" I asked.
"I think so." My grandma said.
"I think I know where it is," I continued. "Stay safe! I love you!"
They hugged me. I walked out of the door and returned to my childhood home.

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