𝑨 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆

210 11 2

I heard my phone rang as soon as I opened my eyes from my beauty sleep. I got up and saw the screen.

Sunoo is calling me.

(Jungwon, Sunoo)

Good morning, Hyung~

Wonnie wake upppp it's 11:00 already~

Huh, what, why??

Silly you are going out with me today at 12:00! Remember?

Wait the fuck I actually forgot I'm going out with Sunoo today! Our first date in 2022.

Nooo I forgot about the date... TT

It's okay, now go get dressed or you will be late!

Okayy love you bye~

I cut the call.

I quickly did my daily routines and found some nice clothes for today's date. I had a dilemma choosing which one is better. And I wasted time!

It's been two weeks since we two started dating. And we are always lovey dovey when we were alone. But on the street we are not like that because to be honest we don't dare to let anyone know our relationship or want people to stare at us, so we just hide our relationship.

Honestly Sunoo hates a lot to hide the relationship, but he knows it's for our own good so he can only agree.

I quickly packed some stuffs into my newly bought backpack by my lovely mum and walked, or I should say ran to the park near his house.

I can already see Sunoo standing there waiting for me. "Hyung~~" I quickly called him and he looked at me with a smile. "Hey Wonnie, let's go now?" I nodded and we intertwined our hands secretly. I hope no one can see it.

We arrived at a random restaurant for lunch. "What do you want to eat?" He asked me as soon as I got the menu on my hand. "Same as before, lemon clam pasta." He giggled and said, "You really order this all the time." We ordered the food and started talking about random stuffs.

The food arrived soon after, I started eating the pasta when I heard Sunoo laughing. "What's funny?" I pouted while chewing on my pasta, "You're cute when you are eating." I almost choked by that comment. "How many times have I told you I'm not cute." I swallowed the food and coughed. He just chuckled without talking.

"Where do you wanna go next?" He asked when we finished eating and I replied, "I want to go to the Photo Booth! I want to take the 4 cut Polaroid with you." He nodded, "Sure, anything for you." I gave him a hug. "I loveeeee youuuuuu" He just chuckled and ruffed my hair.

We went to the Photo Booth then and picked some accessories for photo-taking. "Aww this suits you." He picked a cat ear hair band, "Umm, why?" "You look like a  cute kitten~" I made a faked disgusted face. Anyway I just wear it and went into the booth for taking the photos.

"Aww cute." He said when he checked the 4 cut photos. He is definitely whipped for me. "Heck really no..." I pouted the nth time today. He just gave me a peck on my lips and went out of the booth to pick another accessory.

This boy really never fails to make butterflies in my stomach.

After finish taking photos, we went to eat ice cream and he paid for me. "No, hyung I can pay it by myself." I pouted and he chuckled. "It's okay, my treat today~" He said and continued eating his mint choco ice cream.

"Where should we go now?" I asked, "Maybe let's go to my house." He said and I panicked, "H-Huh?! But your family is at home I don't want to be expos-" "They aren't, come on let's go~" He interrupted and pulled me to his house.

"What do you want to do?" I asked when we stepped into his house. "Watch movie~" He grinned and I nodded while chucking, remembering the first time I went to his house and we had a great time enjoying the movie. 

He went to the kitchen and got some popcorn. Then we sat on the sofa and randomly picked a movie and started watching while cuddling.

"You're really cute, Jungwonnie." He whispered and ruffed my red hair. "Come on, I'm not cute at all!" I whined but he just cooed. He hugged me closely and lean his head on my shoulder.

Why he just kept saying I'm cute while I think that he's much cuter?

I found him staring at me for a long time. "Focus on the movie..." I said looking at him. "But you are so adorable that I can't help but to stare." The hell with these cheesy lines. 

"Shut up..." I pouted and looked away. He just giggled. "I love you so much Jungwon ah~" He planned a peck on the cheek. I smiled and give him back one. "I love you too~"

He then gave me a kiss on the lips and I kissed back. I just love tasting those sweet lips.

Then we just spent the whole afternoon cuddling while watching movies.

Aww a cute chapter 🥺🥺🥺🥺

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒛𝒆- 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒘𝒐𝒏Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora