Megules - Ship #69

378 13 11

Who: Meg x Hercules

Shipname: Megules

Rate (1-10) 8.5!

Grade: A——-

Percentage: 80%

Movies: Hercules

Ship or OTP: Ship!


Ok guys I know your first question is gonna be "OMG THEY'RE NOT OTP" and the answer is no.. They are not an OTP but I just ship them and here's why. Meg just used him like a little actress and he still loved her like wth... Like after she sang after how much she loved Herc "I wont say I'm in love" she still said "Medium or Well Done" like didn't she just sing about how much she's in love with him :(.... I honestly don't understand it.. and to me she's like a little wh*re. I mean I hate to say that but its kinda true. I mean she just got info about him and told Hades. And when she was trying to find out his weakness she was sitting on him and acting very ———— like. I could go on but I'm just gonna stop here.

Moms Reaction:


**Tips Fedora

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