Jerida - Ship #21

987 30 25

Who: Jack Frost & Merida

Shipname: Jerida

Rate (1-10) - 1

Grade: D-

Movies: Brave & Rise of the Guardians

Ship or OTP: no sorry.


Ok so Jerida um no. I do not hate this ship I just don't like it. Like I will make it very obvious when I hate a ship but this one I don't hate, I just don't like it. I also don't see it as a ship. I just can't really see Merida with a guy. Unless it is the absolute perfect guy. Jack needs a girl thats funny and silly. Merida is funny but if anything she is more serious.

Moms Reaction:

Who's Merida? Oh wait , no

XD ^ love my mom

**Tips Fedora

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