Black Hawk - Ship #76

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Wow lol this is my first not animation ship LOL!!! I'm gonna do more of these so ya! And people from books.

Who: Black Widow x Hawk Eye

Shipname: Black Hawk

Rate (1-10) 10000000!!!!!!!!

Grade: A+++++++++++++

Percentage: 10000000%

Movies: Avengers, Avengers Age of Ultron and a lot more but I'm just to lazy to list them all lol

Ship or OTP: OTP!


Omg they are so perfect for each other like OMG! Did any of ya'll notice in the Avengers movie Black Widow was wearing a arrow necklace!!!! Hang on let me scream *screams* ok I'm done. They are so cute and OMG I like ship them so hard like its not even funny. I think they should have been together because their relationship is so beautiful. The scene with them in End Game has me in tears every time. 

Moms Reaction:


**Tips Fedora

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