The Usual

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The sun was shining down on Wellston High, as John was attending math class, the teacher's droning off due to how much he was speaking. John was already mentally exhausted, and this was just the beginning.

"Now, would anyone step up to prove this law?" The teacher spoke with a certain tone, John immediately snapping out of his thoughts.

John raised his hand, and the teacher stared at him, expecting the cripple to stand up and solve the problem but...

"May I go to the bathroom?" The teacher's hopes were immediately crushed as he, begrudgingly, let him go. A green haired classmate yelled out at John: "Be careful and don't die out there, Johnny boy!" In a mocking tone, but he was shut up quick as the teacher threw his chalk at the green-haired's nose, drawing blood due to the force.

"Would you like to try? I insist" The teacher singled out the green-haired student, who immediately regretted his actions as he was forced to solve the problem.


John was out and about in the halls, heading to the bathroom as he turned a corner..."Boo!" John instinctively jumped backwards, sighing as he found that it was only his brother, doing some shenanigans.

"Ha! I got you for the fourth time today! You really need to grow some backbone." Wells Doe, the Shadow King of Wellston, spoke to John Doe, the Cripple. "Yeah yeah, and have it broken when someone slams me into a wall..." John mumbled as he went past his brother, who turned and followed him.

"John, I just don't see the point of you putting on this act. I mean, I know you don't want a repeat of New Bostin..." The words New Bostin made John freeze, making Wells sigh. "Bro, the past is the past. Your ability is part of you, why do you keep denying it...?" It was only when John tried to punch Wells -- who dodged very easily -- did the he stopped trying to push John anymore.

"...Fine, but hey, even though the entire school is against you, there's still me and...uhh...that other girl. What was her name? Seraina? No, it was..." Wells snapped his fingers as he tried to remember the name of the only other god-tier ability holder in this school, John deadpanning at him. "Oh! Right! Seraphina!" Note: he only remembered due to two students passing by, gossiping.

"...You're hopeless." John sighed and shook his head. "Wouldn't it kill you to set your status as 'intelligent'?" John questioned.

"Dude, the universe explodes if I try it, trust me I've seen it happen." Despite Wells' desperate claims, John didn't believe the same story he's been telling ever since middle school.

"Let's continue this later. The teacher won't be happy if I take more time. Also, I'm going to have lunch with Sera, wanna come?" John asked Wells, who nodded his head.

"Yeah sure, not like I have anything better to do. Aight, seeya at lunch!" Wells said goodbye and walked off.


"So, John." The Doc said, approaching the black-haired student. "Back again with a broken arm again I see?"

John didn't comment.

"You best thank your brother, profusely at that, because he's the only thing keeping me from FUCKING SNAPPING AND THROWING YOU OFF THE ROOF!" The Doc snapped, shouting at John and activating his ability, Nightmare.

"Ok! Ok, Doc! I said I was sorry!" John, panicking due to the Doc.

The Doc sighed, and gave John a green liquid. "Take this, your arm will heal in three hours." John, sipping it, replied. "Thanks."

unDefeatable (unOrdinary Self Insert, very OP MC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon