Wells Doe File

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**Classified Information, for Agent Wellston's eyes only.**

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Name: Wells Doe

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark Green with Black Rings

Aura Color: Dark Green

Ability Level: 10.0

Ability: Status Manipulation

Ability Description: He is able to manipulate the status of anything.

Weaknesses: ...None, do not fight him, even with an army.


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Danger Level: World Level Threat, do not approach at any cost. Do not anger at any cost.


Extra Information:
-Protective of his brother, but takes a hands-off approach, only intervening when absolutely necessary
-Incredibly elusive, can seemingly disappear on the spot
-Mention his father and he gets pissed rather quickly
--Same with his mother
-Is the 'Shadow King' of Wellston High, Arlo being simply a front
--Has openly declared that he does not have the qualities of a king, that's why Arlo took over
-Attitude fluctuates rapidly, can be nice one moment, but then turn Angry in a heartbeat
-Has OCD (?)
-Incredibly unpredictable


Potential for Joining Spectre: NIL

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