Chapter 7: Rampaging Ox & Loyal Dog

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The Ox Zodiac was stuck in place, unaware of what was going on, and didn't even realize that Gears had just done a spinning kick. His back was to the monster as he raised his right hand into the air, closing it to form a fist as the doubles disappeared and an explosion vaporized the Zodiac. 

A sigh of relief escaped him as he removed the Driver from his waist and picked up the Ox Coin. 

Yuya: "That was way too much work, but at least it's done... Three down, meaning that the only ones left is the Rat, Dog, Rooster, Monkey, Goat, Snake, Horse, Dragon, and Tiger."

He started on his way back to his bike, but paused when he felt a pair of eyes fall on him. A groan escaped his lips as he looked around his surrounding area, wondering where they were coming from. Eventually he spotted red eyes poking out from behind the trees. 

Raising the Gears Driver, he slapped it on again and inserted the Ox Coin.

Gears Driver: "Zodiac Time! Rush! Crush! Blow! Kamen Rider Ox Gears!! Such Powerful Horns."


Sakura: "Knock Knock? You dead in here?"

Kibou: "Huh? Sakura-San?"

Sakura: "The only one, what's up?"

Kibou: "Feeling better. Sorry I have to constantly leave."

Sakura: "Nah, don't worry about it. You got alot on your plate, right?"

Kibou: "Certainly feels like it. What brings you here?"

Sakura: "Figured I'd visit my best friend while he's in the hospital... You can't seriously be doing work right now, right?" He took notice of the packets and books on his bedside.

Kibou: "Mm, I am. I'm already behind on my work, and Rose-Sensei was kind enough to bring it with her."

Sakura: "Rose... Haaah."

Kibou: "Something the matter, Sakura-San?"

Sakura: "It's... Nothing." He always found Rose weird with how close she kept trying to get to Kibou, and he was none the wiser.

Sakura: "Anyway, I brought along the Takoyaki we were supposed to have."

Kibou: "You didn't have to."

Sakura: "Think nothing of it."

He took all the world to a seat tucked in the corner and placed the bag down next to AI, who seemed to perk up at the smell.

Sakura: "Hm? What's this?"

Kibou: "Ahhhhhh... Noth... Ing?"

Sakura: "...I'm not gonna question that. Already too much craziness in this town as is." He said, taking a bite from the food.

Kibou: "What do you mean?"

Sakura: "In the span of two or so weeks, those monster rumors turned out to be true, then we have  two superheroes running around destroying the place while fighting them."

Kibou: "Huh?"

Sakura: "You seriously don't know? This video's going viral right now."

Sakura took a seat on the window sill and started tapping through his phone, eventually producing a video and tossing it towards Kibou. Kibou watched in shock as he saw Gears fighting against the Ox Zodiac.

AI on the other hand was more concerned with slithering his way into the bag and taking Kibou's share, which resulted with a slap on the head.

Sakura: "Calls himself a Kamen Rider. Know anything about that?"

Kibou: "Can't... Say that I do."


The Gears Driver deactivated as Yuya rolled across the floor. Having just dealt with the Ox Zodiac put him in no condition to fight. All he could do right now was watch as the towering beast approached. It had a white coat of fur with black spots near the neck region, a tail swished back and forth from behind it, and it had a row of jagged teeth that could easily rip into his flesh.

Paradox Driver: "Distorting Reality, Please Standby."

The Dog Zodiac lunged at Yuya, who reeled his fist back to punch it, but something else got to it first. A blade-shaped object knocked back the beast and it opened a rift of white and gold where air and space itself seemed to be sucked in. 

Yuya: "What?"

Paradox Driver: "Paradox Authorized."

An older lady stepped into his view and she walked straight into the rift.

???: "Henshin."

Paradox Driver: "Kamen Rider Paradox!!"

Out from the other side came, what Yuya would assume, was the same lady. She had on a black undersuit with gold on the sides, a white cloth with gold linings wrapped around her hips, and covered her left leg, the same fabric wrapped around her neck and down to just above the driver. She had on a white cape with a gold slash on the back, and the mask had a white frame around her mouth, leaving a large black spot where it was, had spiked off at the top to look like angel wings, and purple lens.

She looked down at Yuya and nodded at him. He laughed and fell backwards, leaving her to deal with the Dog Zodiac. She turned her attention back to the dog rolled her wrist around as she walked forward, stopping only when it came running at her.

Paradox twisted her body and kicked out to catch the wrist of the dog as it punched out. She twisted it away and kicked high up with her spare leg, causing it's head to fly back and for her to jab its neck. 

It stumbled back, grabbing at its neck and looking at her in surprise. It could tell she was smirking underneath the mask and started to circle her. She did the same, waiting patiently for it to attack again. 

The Dog kicked dust into the air, causing her to recoil backwards and showing a sign of weakness. It slashed at her chest, causing sparks to fly, then sunk its teeth into her shoulder. A grunt escaped her lips as she easily flipped it over her, and smashed her fist into the back of the neck, causing it to release her.

Paradox jumped back and spun around the Dog as it attempted to grapple her again. She had managed to grab its arms while doing so and pulled them back, putting her heel against its back and shots could be heard firing into the body of the Dog Zodiac. The Rider released the dog, the beast's body recoiling forwards and flying through the air.

Yuya lazily looked over and saw that she had two blades on her heels and an opening where he figured the bullets came out of. He commented on how that didn't seem fair before falling back down, placing his hands behind his head.

Paradox dashed forward to drop kick the Dog, then swiped spun around to trip it and punched down on its chest. It howled in pain and started kicking the air and attempting to push the fist away from it, eventually resorting to biting down and tearing the arm of the suit. 

She stumbled back and held the spot the Dog Zodiac bit, examining it while the hidden blade slide back into her bracelet. Looking back up, she froze in place as the dog jumped on her, sinking its teeth back into her neck and trying to tear her flesh. 

Paradox: "Get...! Off me...!"

She punched into its side, extending the blade again and multiple shots could be heard. The Dog released her and she kicked it off, front flipping back to her feet. Paradox reached for her driver, grabbing the side handle with a shaking hand. 

Seeing this as a moment to escape, the Dog disappeared into the trees, leaving both Riders by themselves. Paradox let out a shaky sigh and closed the left side of the driver, a rift opening where she stood, then disappeared along with the suit.

Yuya: "You... I know for a fact that you're not a Rider from HOME, so who are you, and how'd you get that driver?"

She turned around to face him, then looked down in shame before running off. Yuya extended his hand and called out for her to wait, but collapsed due to injuries from his previous three fights.

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