Origins and New Directions Pt.3

Start from the beginning

Currently, Hope and her older brother Marcellus are sitting on a bench looking out at the large garden of witch herbs. It was silent a comfortable silence until Hope broke it and said this.

Hope- Hey Marcy

Marcel- What did I tell you about calling me that Hope? he said playfully

Hope- To keep calling you it, because you're my big brother and you love me she said with a smile

Marcel- What's on your mind kid? he said rolling his eyes

Hope- When you first became a Hybrid because of Lucien you were basically an upgraded version of dad. I'm a tribrid....a witch....a wolf....and a vampire. What will happen when I'm all three will I be mean and cruel just how other people describe vampires to be?

Marcel- Oh little wolf no, being a vampire won't change you only you can change you. I admit I was the guy people were afraid of and most did not like. I was the spitting image of dad in his prime when he was considered the big bad wolf. I was the big bad vampire people were already afraid of because I carried the Mikaelson name. When pops thought I was dead I was really living in New Orleans causing chaos.

Hope- What happened?

Marcel glances at his little sister

Marcel- One day I thought to myself what would my life look like if I didn't rebel against father. But being rebellious at some point in your life is healthy. But listening to someone's every command like a robot is not the life I wanted to live. For some time my name was Marcel Gerard and not Marcellus Gerard Mikaelson because it was the name dad gave me. I wanted to be my own person before be lumped in as a Mikaelson that hurts others to help their family no matter the consequences.

Marcel- It was time to grow up and stop acting like an egotistical teenager. You know who really whooped me into shape?

Hope- Aunt Rebekah?

Marcel laughs at Hope's response then said

Marcel- That woman changed me for the better ...I became a better man because of her. Also it was because of you. he said with a smile

Hope- Me?

Marcel- Yeah you, I had a talk with myself. I said Marcel it is time to grow up it's time to set an example. Younger siblings look up to their older siblings I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you saw me do something that was horrible. Then one day you go along to do it and you think it's okay. Or you being afraid of me that would really fucking destroy me. Excuse my language sorry sis he said giving her a side hug

Hope- Marcy I grew up, it's okay to curse around me and I know you attend every family game night. So you and I've heard every curse in the book when it comes to our family.

Marcel- You're right.

Dotty appeared in front of them with the gust of wind from him blinded them for a few seconds

Dotty- There you are Hope I've been looking all over for you.

Hope- Hey sorry I was meant to swing by your room earlier but I had to talk to my brother.

Dotty- That's fine I'll just wait over there

Marcel- Uh who was that young man?

Hope- That's Daniel Topaz

Marcel- Not ringing any bells he said shrugging his shoulders

Hope- That's Dotty Topaz the Uktena prince...prince of all vampires including us.

Marcel- All vampire? who made up that rule

Hope- Before your ego gets in the way I would do some research on the Uktena family history. I'm pretty sure there are some history books of the strongest super natural beings to ever exist in the library if you know......if you wanna read up on it before you start anything with him for no reason.

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