Story 1 - The Submissive

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"What in the Norns do you think you're doing, Loki!?!" you screamed at him as you threw your fist towards his face.

Loki moved his head quickly to avoid your blow, yanking your head harshly back with his tight grip on your hair.

"ARGH!!!" you squeal as your back bends in the most unnatural position. The roots of your hair were burning where Loki had such a tight grip on you.

Loki's eyes were filled with rage as he looked down at you. He's practically snarling as he bares his teeth.

"I have suffered more than enough this day Freya... It's time that I inflicted some punishment!" Loki's voice took on a dark and sinister edge as the rims of his iris's started to turn red before your eyes.

The burning on your scalp intensified as Loki's body grew, turning into his blue frost giant form. The coldness of his skin touching yours caused instant frostbite. You could feel the skin on your head cracking from the cold the longer he held you.

"LOKI PLEASE!" you begged as your legs flailed in midair. His size now dwarfs you.

It was as if he couldn't hear your pleas, his rage consumed him, and it terrified you.

You used your magic to conjure a dagger and twisted your arm upwards, slicing it into his forearm. He immediately dropped you and grabbed his arm. Dark crimson blood seeped through his blue fingers, dripping onto the floor.

Loki looked down at the small puddle of blood forming on the stone and started laughing menacingly.

"Do you think I would let you get away with that, Freya?"

His eyes moved to look at you, locking on to your terrified expression before his head moved slowly upwards. He evilly smirked at you before lunging for you.

He was slower and more cumbersome in his giant blue form, so you sidestepped and sliced your dagger across his other arm.

Loki growled at you as you smirked back at him, pleased with yourself. But your confidence was short-lived as your dagger vanished from your grasp.

Green magic swirled around you, lifting you in the air and pinning you against the wall with a hard thud. Your already sore head hit the stone, making you wince with the pain.

Loki strode towards you in two giant steps, slamming his hands on either side of your face. He hit the wall so hard it rattled your teeth inside your head as stone crumbled around you. His large hands were now bigger than the size of your skull.

He leaned in closer to your face, his nose gliding up the side of your cheek as he took a long deep breath through his nose, smelling you. Your skin tingled from his cold touch. Thankfully it was only brief this time.

You could feel the vibration of his growl through your chest as he flicked his tongue across your cheekbone. It was like ice gliding across your skin at that moment, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

"You smell and taste so sweet, Freya. It has been too long since I fucked you thoroughly," he mused as his eyes roamed over you, thinking of all the depravity he could inflict upon your body.

"You wouldn't dare..."

You tried to keep your voice low and authoritative, but the trembling waver in your pitch gave away your fear.

Loki, in this form, was unpredictable and dangerous. He could quite literally tear you apart if he wished. You would have to be extremely careful being trapped in this new situation.

Loki chuckled as he stepped back, a sinister smirk spreading across his face.

"Open your mouth," he purred.

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