Story 3 - Objectophilia

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Objectophilia - Arousal to inanimate objects

Tess... Uhhh... You're so beautiful... You're so... Fuck... Tess... I'm cumming, I'm cumming...

Loki flung the sheet off his body and bolted up after suddenly waking from his dream. His very wet dream.

His eyes fluttered as they adjusted to the dark before focusing on the wet sticky feeling coating his stomach.

He growled as he flicked his wrist in frustration. His magic instantly removed any trace of his mess from across his body. He dropped back onto the pillow with a gruff sigh.

Every night

He said to himself irritatedly. He adjusted himself, sinking down in the bed to get comfortable.

Tossing and turning for a few minutes until he huffed loudly, flinging the sheet back off and got out of bed.

Was it because he was sleeping in a different bed that these vivid dreams kept happening?

He couldn't ask the servants to move "Loki's" bed into Odin's chambers; that would be far too strange a request of the All-Father.

The last thing Loki needed was to raise suspicion when his plan had been working perfectly.

He hadn't been sleeping well since the dark elves killed Frigga. Could being constantly exhausted cause these dreams? He didn't want to think about it.

But ever since he had first held that blasted cube in his hands in New York, he could only think about touching it again.

Even distracting himself with women and men hadn't helped. All he kept seeing was the electric blue colour in their eyes as he fucked them.

He had tried his hardest not to visit the cube in the vault. He'd purposely doubled the guards outside of the vault doors. More as a deterrent for himself rather than the excuse he made of making sure nothing was stolen again.

Loki sighed as his green magic waived across his body, changing his form to Odin's.

He hated this.

He hated having to pretend to be Odin, even if it was thrilling, fooling people, like a dirty secret he was keeping.

Being King of Asgard, The Mighty All-Father, Odin, was okay, but not what Loki had dreamt of when he lusted after the power.

It should have been Loki All-Father, Loki King of Asgard, but this was as good as it was going to get currently. He couldn't suddenly appear after apparently dying to claim the throne. There would be an uprising, and Thor would undoubtedly find out, even if he were off on his stupid quests.

Loki opened the door to the bed chambers and breezed out of the door, striding towards the kitchens.

Perhaps some food would clear his head.

He walked with his head slumped forward, trying to think of anything but that cube as he followed the sweet smells that drifted along the corridors, leading him towards the kitchens. Or so he thought.


A guard interrupted Loki's thoughts.

He lifted his head, looking around at where he was. He was sure he had every intention of heading to the kitchens following that sweet smell. But it seemed his subconscious had other ideas.

"My king"

Another three guards simultaneously spoke and bowed their heads as they stood guard in front of the vault doors.

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