Story 1 - Figging

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You were furious, slamming your door shut behind you as you entered your chambers, causing an ear-splitting bang.

Grabbing a vase full of black roses from the table, you flung it against the wall, smashing it. You watched as the water trickled down the mural of Njord, your father and Skadi, your mother. Some of the flowers that Loki had given you lay damaged on the floor. Their petals lay floating in the small puddle of water.

Your nostrils flared as you fought to catch your breath.

A soft knocking on your chamber door caused you to turn your head towards it before Loki slipped inside.

If you hadn't thrown the vase already, it would have been hurtling towards his face now.

You stormed up to Loki, slamming him back against the door with a hard shove to the chest.

Snarling, you struck him across the face with the back of your hand, causing his head to turn quickly to the side from the force.

He rubbed his cheek, smirking as he turned back to face you.

It enraged you even more.

Grabbing him by the throat, you pinned him against the door, raising his feet from the floor.

Loki's feet started to flail as he gasped for air.

You lent in closer, your nose only an inch from his as you seethed at him.

"YOU ARE MINE, LAUFEYSON! Not some filthy elves. You dare to flirt with another in front of me without my permission? You're going to regret that decision!"

You used your free hand to grab his cock, squeezing it harshly as you shrieked at him.

"THIS IS MINE! You dare pull that shit again, and I'll have it permanently detached from your body sitting in a jar on my mantelpiece! Am I clear!?!"

Loki's eyes were not only bulging at the lack of air but more so at your threat to cut his dick off. He nodded furiously before you dropped him. Loki crumpled to the floor, holding his groin and gasping for air as you stood over him.

"Get up, you pathetic piece of shit!"

He stood slowly in front of you, keeping his eyes on the floor.

"You deserve to be punished harshly for your behaviour tonight, Loki. You embarrassed me."

You grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head back. He wouldn't meet your eyes which you found both satisfying and annoying.

"You don't deserve to be in my presence. You don't deserve my touch," you spat your words in Loki's face, spraying him with your saliva.

"LOOK AT ME!" you screamed in his face.

Loki's eyes drifted to yours, his eyebrows arched up apologetically.

"Your puppy dog eyes won't work on me. You inadequate, worthless wretch."

You pushed his head forcefully away from you as you stepped back before pacing your room.

Every sort of common punishment you could give, you had already given to Loki. Flogging, spanking, caning, whipping, rubbing stinging nettles over his genitals, degradation, edging for hours and force-feeding, to name a few. You needed something to satisfy your rage and teach him another lasting lesson this time. The idea sprung into your head, figging.

You had been reading up on various punishments and new things you could try. This was at the top of your list, and as you had fucked Loki's ass several times today already, this would be perfect. He was bound to be extremely sensitive already, even though his ass was well-versed in getting fucked by you; this would undoubtedly be a new form of pain.

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