::chapter 1::

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Ace trotted over to his team and musher after he heard his name called. His team had a new dog with them Mapel he was only 9 months and was already on the team. his trainers saw the potential in him and decided he needed a team, therefore that's why he ended up with us. one of the best sled dog champion wining teams. he had been in a team before but they forced there dogs to run with no breaks, no food, no water, no nothing. 

"There you are my good boy." The musher said to Ace, as he clipped him on to the rope, the other dogs looked back in a approving way at Ace. All of them had been a team together for over 3 years, the one who had been there the longest was Spring he was an amazing sled dog. the musher had bought him before he even became a musher.

 All of them stand in their ready positions knowing they must take off when "MUSH!" reaches their ears. at the front of the rope is Spring since he's the most experienced behind him Robbin and Ace behind them Mars and Mapel. Mars would usually be in Aces position but the musher thought if Mapel saw Mars running maybe he would learn from her skills. 

"mush!" shouted the musher. before he even finished saying it the dogs had took off they ran through the snowy mountains and trails. every half an hour their musher would stop and let the dogs: eat, drink, pee. every once and awhile he would also eat or drink etc... when they had been going for about an hour they had another break. After all the dogs were done drinking the musher clipped them to the rope and walked over into the forest to do his business. After about 10 minutes the dogs were worried they were on a trail they didn't know. When Five more minutes passed Spring took it to himself to free himself he bit and nipped at the clip that attached him to the rope until it broke he then went and did it to everyone else clips until everyone was out. Spring led the team the way back to camp or at least what they thought was the way. he knew if they tried to go in the forest there might be an animal so instead they tried to find their way home. after searching for a good 20 minutes they knew they wouldn't make it home they needed to find or creative a shelter to stay in. spring stopped they team and barked at everyone to "Start walking walking in the forest and find somewhere to stay" he pointed towards Ace and Mars they understood he was telling them to scout out a territory in the forest area they were in.  When Mars and Ace started scouting they found somewhere nice with a lot of trees they told the others and brought them over to see. Spring approved and started going around picking sticks up.

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