Next 2 You{Chris Brown Love Story}

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My boss Jordan walked in taking me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Camil when did you get here?"She asked

"Like 30 minutes ago"I said looking at my phone

"Aw well you have to come tomorrow at 7 because we're having a meeting about a tour"She said looking at the papers gathered in her hands

"Ok thats fine"I said logging into my computer

After hours of work I went home, took a shower,put on some boy shorts with a fitted pink shirt n put my hair in a bun. I was hungry so I fixed me some chicken and rice and sat on the couch to watch tv.After I got done eating I washed the dishes and finished watching tv when Cierra and Travie came in.

"Hey Mil"She said coming in and sitting next to me

"Hey where the hell yall been"I said turning off the tv

"Out shopping and stuff"She said

"What is stuff?,I don't see no damn bags"I said

"Its at Travis house"I squinted my eyes

"Ok if you say so,what did you want to talk to me about?"I asked curious

"Aw yea,lets go to your room"

We went to my room and sat on my bed

"Ok,Travie asked me to move in with him"She said,I smiled

"What did you say?"I asked

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to check with you"

"Cierra you don't have to check with me,I think you should"I said getting happy for her

"Really"She said sounding excited

"Yea,Yall need to,dont nobody like hearing yall fucking all the time"I said laughing

" Whatever bitch you know you like hearing us,anyway can you help me pack"She asked

"Yea but not tonight,I have to get up early tomorrow"She nodded

"Ok,I'll see you in the morning then"She said getting up

"Ok,Night Boo"I said as she went to her room

I was so happy for her because this was something she said she'll never see herself doing but now she's actually doing it and she's happy which is what I wanted her to be.

I went to my room and went straight to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at 5:30 and took a shower and straightened my hair. I really didn't know exactly what I was going to wear and I didn't have to sit and think about it so I went with the first dress that looked good in my closet which was my black long sleeve velvet dress that stopped right above my knees and my black lace heels.

I did a couple spins in the mirror to make sure it was good before I went down stairs and fixed me some bacon,eggs and toast before leaving work because I was starving and I knew traffic was terrible right now.

When I got there I went to Jordan's office to see and go over what the meeting was about for today.

"Goodmorning"I said walking in

"Hey just who I was looking for"She said taking out some papers

"As always,why"I giggled

"I need you and Freddy to finish planning this tour"She handed me the files

"I thought you were handling it"I said confused

"I can't,My husband is in the hospital in Washington and I have to fly out there tonight"

"I'm sorry to hear that,I hope he gets better"I said

'Thank you Camil,I hope he do too"

"How long do you think you'll be out there"I asked

"Idk maybe a few days or weeks depending on his health when I get there"

"Ok, did you tell Freddy"

"Yes,He's in his office just waiting on you"She said sitting in her chair

"Ok we'll take care of this and you take as much time as you need and just let me know how things are going"She nodded slowly and I can see she was getting a little emotional so I just prayed for her and her husband before leaving her office.

I walked to his office and he was on the computer.

"Hey Freddy, what are you doing"I asked sitting across from him

"Hey beautiful,trying to look for possible locations for the tour"

"You need me to do anything"I asked with a slight smile

"Aw yea you can start by giving me a kiss" he said smiling and poking out his lips,I shook my head

"No seriously"I laughed

"Yea you can make some copies of the papers that's on your desk for the meeting in 2 hours

"Wait, I thought it was at 7?"I asked

"Yea it was but they called and said they were gonna be running late"He said

"Do we at least know who the meeting is for?"I asked

"Chris Brown and his manager"

"Oh,that's exciting, We have 2 hours to have all this planned for a meeting I'm just now we are going to cover "I said a bit frustrated

I went to my office and start printing the papers an hour later Jordan came in and told me the meeting was about to start.When I walked in the room I saw Chris and his manager and I felt all eyes were on me as I walked in.......

This is chapter 1,hope you guys like it don't forget to vote and comment

Team Breezy

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