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Chapter 92

    They set off in the morning, picked up the airport, and finished eating. It was afternoon. Seeing dusk fall, the two returned to the small villa.

    They took the time to find someone to clean up the swimming pool behind the villa. Xiao Wenshui would take Yunqiu for a swim if he was fine.

    It is winter now, and the water is very cold. They activated the heating system, turning the cold water into hot water, and then they went into the water together.

    Swimming, Yunqiu had also learned it in the courses of AD Academy before, but there were only basic means of escape. He swims like a dog, and he can only look enviously at Xiao Wenshui swimming around like a fish with a graceful and handsome figure.

    Xiao Wenshui watched him swim for a while, then sat wet by the pool again, wrapped in a robe and did not move, so he swam towards him. Yun Qiu thought he was going to go ashore, so she quickly moved to the side, and stretched out her hand at him, trying to pull him up "out of control".

    As a result, Xiao Wenshui didn't hold his hand, he gently hooked his white and thin ankle, stepped back, and pulled him into the water. Yun Qiu fell into the water with a cry of surprise, and then felt himself being gently supported by Xiao Wenshui. He took him to swim together, let him lean on his chest, he didn't need to worry about anything, just floated on the water in a relaxed manner, looking up at the evening sky. The waves of the swimming pool are reflected on the smooth marble.

    Like this, they floated in the swimming pool at a very gentle speed, watching the sunlight move from the place they could see until it was hidden out of sight, the cool air slowly came up, and the fire clouds above their heads slowly receded and dissipated . The clouds are so thick and gorgeous, as if you can catch the warm afterglow as soon as you stretch out your hand.

    Yun Qiu lay in Xiao Wenshui's arms, and floated with him in the water, feeling hot and cold from time to time as he floated. It was too cold outside and too hot in the water. He hooked Xiao Wenshui's waist and asked him to push himself by the pool, he felt the same way. The hands were propped back on the cold marble floor, and the coolness ran up the spine along the fingertips, and the marble near the pool was hot and hot, hotter than the pool water. He shrank his body because of the cold, and wanted to escape because of the scorching heat - he could only cling to the person in front of him, trying his best to hang himself on Xiao Wenshui.

    Xiao Wenshui kissed him, and said in a low voice, "Are you uncomfortable? Let's go to the room."

    Yunqiu shook his head, not allowing him to carry him into the room. He didn't say why, but just tried his best to ask him to stay here. Xiao Wenshui was almost out of control by him, but after he turned Yunqiu over, he found that his thighs had been burned red, so he couldn't help but pick him up and walked inside.

    Yunqiu got up and beat him up: "I don't want it, I don't want to go back to the room. Brother smelly, we are in the water, what's wrong?"

    Xiao Wenshui pinched his face, whispering Smiling, he said, "You are squeamish, Omega."

    Yunqiu continued to quarrel: "You made me squeamish! I was burned a little bit, but I didn't tell you, I can bear it. You must say I'm delicate, you just don't want to have a baby with me in the water."

    Xiao Wenshui coaxed him, held him in his arms, and put him on the bed. He also called the robot to find medicine. Regarding this matter, Xiao Wenshui always showed amazing self-control. Yunqiu was always impatient, but he still had time to do some preparations in various aspects.

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