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Chapter VII

    In the past, Yunqiu could only listen to the literal meaning of what he said, he couldn't distinguish the tone of voice, and he didn't know how to read words and expressions.

    Xiao Wenshui asked, "Can you tell the difference now?" According to Yunqiu's previous temper, he would honestly answer "I can tell the difference".

    But this time, Yunqiu was a little hesitant.

    Xiao Wenshui faced him, and when he asked this question, his tone was calm, even a little gentle. But Yunqiu just felt that he was a little unhappy, and this perception made him a little afraid to speak.

    Xiao Wenshui's eyes are deep and sharp, his eyes are brownish, they look like amber in daylight, but there are wolf-like needles in them, which often make Yunqiu tremble all over.

    He was afraid of Xiao Wenshui.

    And the reason why he was afraid of Xiao Wenshui, and the source of all the fear and pain in his previous life, was in this person. The questions that Yunqiu wondered from time to time have now found their answers: it turns out that his elder brother didn't treat him hot and cold, nor did he like him once and then he didn't like him, but that the elder brother who liked him didn't like him when he was thirteen years old. Nian suddenly disappeared, and what remained was the big brother who didn't like him.

    So it's not surprising that he treats him so fiercely.

    It wasn't until Xiao Xunqiu came forward, smiled and shook his hand at him, that the stalemate between Yunqiu and Xiao Wenshui was broken.

    Xiao Xunqiu took out the crystal ball from the bag with a smile and handed it to him: "It seems that Xiaoqiu still remembers me. My brother is back to play with you now. This is a gift for you. Take a look, do you like it?" "

    He looks like another Xiao Wenshui after being tanned. It's just that the long-term life in the laboratory makes him have no time to take time to exercise and take care of himself like Xiao Wenshui. His skeletal muscles look a little clearer.

    It's not the same as before. Before Xiao Xunqiu was an adult, although he was like Xiao Wenshui, he hadn't reached this point. The bright and naughty boy who loved to laugh had become a steady and powerful man. Just standing there , also produced a little sense of oppression.

    Yunqiu stood where he was, looking at him with some fear.

    His eyes had already changed when they touched the crystal ball—but because of the strange feeling that he hadn't seen for seven years, Yun Qiu subconsciously wanted to hide.

    The doctor was planting the dragon tooth flowers in the story for him outside, and he had nowhere to hide, he only saw Xiao Wenshui indifferently looking away, walking towards the tea room, Yun Qiu took a step back to meet his steps, and then He reached out and grabbed Xiao Wenshui's sleeve, and said timidly, "Big brother."

    It was a gesture of asking for help, a child who had just left the house to strike up a conversation with a stranger, subconsciously looking for his parents. Even if this parent is usually fierce, it is right to look for him at this time.

    Xiao Wenshui stopped and looked at him.

    Yun Qiu crawled along the pole, tugged at his sleeves, then hid behind him again, sneaking out his head to look at Xiao Xunqiu.

    However, before he could hide himself well, Xiao Wenshui had already caught him out—the pair of slender hands swept back and wrapped his waist around him, gently pulling him towards him with an irresistible force. Pushed forward and pushed to Xiao Xunqiu.

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