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Chapter Thirty-Nine

    With Xiao Wenshui's words, Yunqiu felt slightly relieved, but still grabbed Xiao Wenshui's sleeve, as if he didn't feel safe, didn't speak, just followed him like this.

    He hesitated for a while, and wanted to whisper to Xiao Wenshui: "I love you too." But for some reason, seeing Xiao Wenshui no longer fixed his eyes on him, his expression was calm, as if he didn't expect this sentence Yun Qiu quietly shut up.

    Xiao Wenshui took him outside for a meal. The secretary's assistant booked a seat in advance, and Yun Qiu's stomach was full after eating, and he packed a few boxes of snacks to take home for supper.

    After eating, they went back to school. Yunqiu showed Xiao Wenshui what he had learned in the past week, and took him around half of the campus, demonstrating such things as crossing the road and tidying up the house, hoping that Xiao Wenshui would praise him. However, Xiao Wenshui was extremely strict in checking his study progress. He said, "I talked to your teacher. He said that you are now working in the school's milk tea shop, aren't you? Take me to have a look." .”

    Yunqiu was a little reluctant to take Xiao Wenshui there, and it was also because it was one of the two subjects he disliked the most—his special education teacher tailored the position for him, and asked Yunqiu to write his resume, Looking for an interview with the boss, Yunqiu cried several times in this class, and was finally escorted to work.

    His job is to put cute animal stickers on the takeout list of the milk tea shop, and write cute and heart-warming reminders. Yunqiu takes this job very seriously. A piece of post-it note, he can fill it with ink pens. Although the words and pictures are a bit ugly, they are full of sincerity, and often customers are impressed by this sincerity. The spirit is moved, and photos of post-it notes are often attached when posting orders.

    For this reason, the boss added another task to him - pressing out the pudding in the store with a grinder, putting it on a plate and placing it in the display counter and freezer, and being responsible for cleaning the pudding cabinet.

    This item was a bit difficult. Because of lack of precision, Yunqiu dropped two pudding plates on the first day, and was scolded by the boss.

    Yunqiu told Xiao Wenshui about this, feeling a little wronged, and counting on Xiao Wenshui to help him get justice—he said sadly: "He scolded very badly, and I have already paid him compensation. But he still scolded me for several days."

    "Then do you know why he scolded you?" Xiao Wenshui asked him.

    Yunqiu had a premonition that he was about to be criticized by him, so he quickly said: "I know, I was wrong."

    Xiao Wenshui didn't let him go, and still asked in his serious tone, "Although you are not fully recovered from your illness now , we can know that you didn't break the plate on purpose, but when you go out to work in the future, no one will understand whether you are sick or not, and whether it was on purpose. You lost the plate, yes, you have money in your ID card now, That little money is nothing to you, but think about it, what loss have you caused?"

    Yun Qiu was dumbfounded by his training, and she pinched her fingernails to herself, and after thinking about it for a while, she looked at it pitifully. Looking at him: "I don't know, big brother."

    Xiao Wenshui said: "If you break two plates, what you waste is the time between you buying new plates. Not enough to buy pudding, the loss caused by this is the boss's."

    Yunqiu was listless, and after thinking about it, he felt unconvinced, and said to him: "That's his problem, he should buy more That's where the pudding tray is!"

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