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iamthechosenone a date to be remembered with my favourite Slytherin

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iamthechosenone a date to be remembered with my favourite Slytherin.


lmaoitspans he's clearly talking about me guys //

notthaticare lmaoitspans you mean the girl who didn't even think before trying to hand him over to the red eyed monster? Eff off, darling. He's talking about moi. //

zaddybini notthaticare you mean the boy who kissed his girlfriend before they even broke up? If it's a snake, it can only ever be me. //

weaslette lmaoitspans notthaticare zaddybini guys did you forget how to read or smth? He clearly said a date and you're all sitting on your sorry arses in the common room. I can see you. //

myohknee weaslette meanwhile the snake who is undoubtedly Harry's favourite is missing. Guess guess. //

thefuckingking alright don't kill me for saying this guys but could it possibly be dontcallmedray ? I mean I know the chances are less but....

badbadlulo thefuckingking true, true. It could be him, though it's very unlikely... I mean, Harry's only been obsessed with him since he was 11. That's not much.

bottomsup badbadlulo in the grand scheme of things an 8 year old obsession is nothing.


dontcallmedray you guys are absolute menaces, you are. Stop bullying him. See how pretty he looks //

iamthechosenone thank you Draco <3


myohknee you do look very pretty Harry. I love your hair! //

iamthechosenone windswept is surprisingly a good look on me these days.


thefuckingking why's the picture so dark? 🤔🤔🤔 //

iamthechosenone awww Ron, you learnt how to use emojis!! The picture's dark because it's my aesthetic. //

dontcallmedray thefuckingking it's apparently called a grunge aesthetic Weasel. I've gained a lot of knowledge today, I shall impart some to you later. //

thefuckingking dontcallmedray hell yeah, can't wait, mate🥳🥳


dontcallmedray I know I keep saying this but Salazar, you're so fucking pretty. //

iamthechosenone stopppp. //

dontcallmedray especially now that you're all pink. //

lmaoitspans you two make me nauseous.


dontcallmedray hurt like a bitch

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dontcallmedray hurt like a bitch.


iamthechosenone cut me with that jaw sir. //

zaddybini iamthechosenone yo mate your slut is showing. //

iamthechosenone zaddybini I mean- just look at him! //

dontcallmedray yes Potter do continue looking at me.


weaslette I hereby declare this photo illegal. I must. //

dontcallmedray ;)


myohknee you look very hot Draco //

thefuckingking she went through hundreds of adjectives in her head before settling on hot, homos and hets. //

dontcallmedray myohknee thefuckingking I believe this is the right moment for me to say "LMAO"


notthaticare Very very hot indeed. Take me next time //

dontcallmedray no.


badbadlulo yayyy Draco now both of us have pierced noses!! //

dontcallmedray twins in every way except biologically ;)


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