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The group of four found themselves gathered under the shade of the towering beech tree near the shore of the Black Lake, after Potions as Ron and Draco explained their new assignment to Hermione and Harry.

Hermione, naturally, was immediately taken with the idea and gushed about their new Muggle Studies Professor's drive and dedication, and the three boys indulged her each with a fond, knowing smile on their face as she immediately launched into an even more detailed explanation about all things Social Media for Ron and Draco.

"So allow me to just recap everything...", Ron started seemingly unsure until Hermione nodded encouragingly at him.

He'd been laying on Hermione's lap until then but instantly straightened up when he noticed himself having everyone's undivided attention before continuing, "It's an application where people follow people they know or sometimes don't know, and the latter in often cases are mostly celebrities or influencers. It helps people stay connected, kind of like a mix of WhatsApp and Facebook but more...", Ron paused again, fumbling for the words looking at Hermione's and then at Harry's face as if he'd find the words he's looking for printed on their visage.

Draco who'd been watching these proceedings with a small, amused smile on his face offered smoothly, "More... Gen Z?" Ron beamed. "Exactly, Ferret face! Thank you!"

Draco rolled his eyes before turning his gaze towards Harry, who was back leaning against the bark of the beech tree and shoulders so hunched it almost looked like he was trying to burrow into himself, and Draco 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 want to bury him in his chest instead.

Hary fumbled with the multiple rings he'd taken to wearing on the middle finger and thumb of his left hand, the tip of his pink tongue peeking out ever so slightly as he concentrated on his task. Draco's hard, cold grey eyes immediately softened.

Fuck, but he was adorable.

Ron and Hermione shared an exasperated smile over their heads, watching their Slytherin friend's deeply enamoured gaze stay stuck on the boy they've known all their lives, and really, if anyone deserved to be the recipient of a gaze this devoted, it was Harry.

"So do you have an Instagram account as well?", Draco asked softly, leaning up on his elbow from where he was stretched out on the sunlit grass, next to Harry.

Concentration broken, Harry turned to look at Draco, a soft, equally besotted smile curving his lips as he stared at the blonde looking as relaxed as a sunbathing kitten.

"Of course I do. I post the pictures I click sometimes there. I'll help you make one if you'd like." He suggested and Draco beamed gratefully at him, Merlin knows he wouldn't be able to do it himself and phones were quite literally the only Muggle things Pansy wasn't adept at either. That bint probably already demanded Luna to make her the best account.

He would've needed Harry's help anyway. "Yes, please. I am pants at working this.. This phone thing. But wait... Where do I get this application anyway?", Draco mumbled the last bit mostly to himself, a far away look taking over his eyes as he tried his hardest to remember what Professor Song had said.

"The app store, Draco", Hermione answered. The startled pair jumped up at her voice, having forgotten Ron and Mione were even there.

"The app store? Is it like The Weasley Wizarding Wheezes but social media? Is it in Hogsmeade?" Draco asked, bewildered. "Pssh, Draco. It's a social media shop... It's obviously a store in Muggle London! " Ron scoffed.

Draco hummed in thoughtful agreement, nodding regally he said, "You must be right, Weasel. I was wrong to think of it as a Wizarding Shoppe"

'Shoppe-?' Hermione mouthed silently to Harry, gesturing at the two thickheaded wizards with her hands. Harry threw his head back in laughter again, he would never get over how endearing Draco was when he was trying to learn about Muggle things.

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