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A week later, Kim and Top moved to Minor house for a while till others can make sure that there was no more threat. Even Macau and Porchay moved into minor families at Pete's request.

Porchay was first shy to see his idol so close but then ended up being taught how to write a song by Kim when both Top and Macau threatened to shave his hair.

The guy revealed nothing on interrogation and both Pete and Porsche started doubting if they had the right man. Even after Vegas' torture, the alpha screamed that he knew nothing and was just passing by. The main and minor family were once again back to peace but Porsche and Pete were cautious.

It was evening time when the whole main family arrived at Minor family house without notice, Vegas and Pete were the first ones to react while Porsche was looking at Pete nervously.

Korn said that he just wanted to see his youngest son who refused to come to see him instead while Kinn and Tankhun just tagged along. The main family spoke for a few hours and the whole time Korn kept looking between Pete and Venice.

Pete started to feel uncomfortable and decided to put Venice to sleep. He didn't know what Korn was planning but he wouldn't let him touch his son. Vegas noticed Pete tensed and gave his uncle an annoyed look.

                            A couple of weeks later, there was another incident. This time involving Tankhun, someone entered the villa and tried to attack Tankhun from behind. Luckily, guards soon became alert and saved Tankhun though the attacker run away.

Everyone was called to the main house and Tankhun was traumatized, he was in a foul mood and snapping at anyone who came across him. By the time the minor family appeared, everyone was holding their breath.

Korn was sitting on the couch with Chan behind him, Porsche was trying to cheer up Tankhun while Kinn was busy discussing the situation with Arm and Pol.

"Another attack just in a month, no one fears the Theerapanyakul's main Alpha anymore?" Kim said in a mocking voice which made Korn frown

"What are you trying to say, Kim?" Kinn spoke, not liking the tone of younger alpha

"I was tried to be attacked and yet you're busy arguing with Paa! Kim, you don't care about me?!" Tankhun asked in an upset voice

"I'm just pointing it out! How come two attacks happened in the Main house and each time the attacker escaped?" Kim pointed out angrily

"We caught the person who attacked Pete…" "And you want me to believe that you got the right person?" Kim interrupted Kinn and asked coldly.

Everyone became quiet and looks towards Korn for an answer, Korn sighed as he stood up and walked towards Tankhun. He pats the beta's head and spoke, "I will never hurt my own children…"

"You got your answer?" Tankhun looks at Kim and spoke in annoyance

"I never said he might have done it…" Kim whispered as he looked towards Chan instead but didn't bother to point it out.

Korn sighs and then smile sadly as he spoke, "My family thinks that I might try to hurt them…"

"Paa!" Both Tankhun and Kinn said at the same time in worry. Korn ignored their upset voice and walked towards Pete instead, "Why no one is talking about a stranger who's living among us and knows everything about our family?"

Vegas and Macau look at Korn in anger while Pete remained calm and smiles, "I didn't do anything that can question my loyalty plus Khun think I will get myself attacked?"

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