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                      A couple of weeks later, Pete sighed as he stood outside Vegas' room who was growling and screaming while all that beta could do was stand outside the room and hear the alpha scream in frustration.

"Khun can return to his room, we will watch over the master.." Nop informed Pete who hesitates before opening his mouth, "Open the door, I will go inside…"

"No! You're not, we already discussed it.." Big interferes, Pete glared at him in anger but Big grabs his shoulder and reminds him, "Khun, you might be beta but don't forget you have Omega biology too… we already have decided not to let you take a risk by letting you in.."

Pete grinned his teeth in anger before he sat down, leaning over the door to Vegas's room. Pete and Vegas had a discussion where Pete said that he needed some time before accepting Vegas' offer. Pete wasn't ready for sexually getting involved and Vegas respected his decision.

But seeing Vegas in pain was hurting Pete too, Vegas refused to take a temporary partner too and Pete felt guilty for feeling happy about it. Pete didn't like the idea of someone else being close to Vegas and Vegas felt the same.

Macau was taking care of Venice as Vegas' pheromone was stressing the baby too. Pete didn't realise when he fell asleep but next morning he was woken up by Nop who looked tense.

"Is Vegas fine?" Pete asked in worry as looks towards the Vegas' room.

"Khun is fine… There's an issue at the company…" Nop said in worry. Pete looked at Nop in confusion and asked, "Company? What company"

"Khun, Theerapanyakul family own a company in which the minor family has equal share… Suddenly they want us to hand our share to the main family as they are told that the minor family might collapse anytime…" Nop explained the situation to Pete who was scowling now.

"Vegas' rut will be over in a week, we can't wait till that.. Ready a car, we are going to company.." Pete ordered Nop in annoyance.

"But Khun… They might not…" Nop hesitated to complete his sentence but Pete understood what he was trying to say.

"You don't have to worry about it, you stay here with Vegas and I will go to company with Big" Pete informed Big before returning to his room to prepare.


                                        Couple of days later, Pete was exhausted. He felt like he gonna lose his patience and might end up committing a murder. It took him all his control not to flip the table and put a bullet in someone’s head. He groaned as he sat on the couch all tired.

Soon Macau sat next to him with Venice, Venice looked at Pete and started blabbing. Pete looked at the baby and finally smiled as he took him into his arms, “Khun is so strong, just two days and I already want to pull my hair in frustration…”

“Hia has been doing all this since he was 18, yet you’re doing so well! P’Big told us how you slashed at the Main family and shareholders! You’re so cool!” Macau said with admiration.

Again, Korn tried to manipulate them into handing Minor family’s business to the main family but Pete burst on him. Pete told them that he was officially allowed to make decisions on Vegas’ behalf and he was strong enough to handle the things on his own.

Korn wasn’t happy but Kinn was very much impressed by Pete’s bravery even Big had a smug look which he tried his best to control. Later after that meeting, Big informed Pete that Korn wanted him to spy on the minor family. Big told that he didn’t refuse it but he swore his loyalty to the minor family. Pete told Big to keep this secret from everyone, including Vegas which didn’t make sense but Big agreed as he trusted Pete’s judgement.

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