Nature Wives AURA au

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I sigh placing down my notes. Turns out studying people's auras is harder then one would think. I slouch down in my chair as I finish the last of my coffee. Placing the cup down I get up to go order another one, when she catches my eye. A girl, most definitely around my age, with long black hair hlaf tied in buns and wearing a baby pink outfit ordering something at the stand. It's not her beauty that catches my eye, it's her aura. No, lack their of. This is something I've never seen. What could the reason for this be.. I sigh again, walking over to the counter. "Good morning, how could I be of assistance to you?" The batista asks.
"Could I just have one coffee please." I say, trying to keep my eyes off the girl.
"Right, that will be 2 diamonds" the batista says. I pull out my wallet and hand over the diamonds. "I'll also need your name" he asks. "Shelby" I say
"Your coffee will be ready shortly." And with that, the batista walks off. I head back to my table and wait for the coffee. Whilst waiting I begin to take notes of the girl. Her appearance, an estimated hight and age and finally the lack of aura. My eyes locked on my notes, not noticing the presence of another person. "Hey," a voice says, I look up from my notes "I'm Katherine, apologies for creeping up on you like that" she says, sitting across the table from me. "Oh, no your fine." I say, upon taking deeper thoought into it, i realise it sounded like i had just hit on her "Um! Not like that! I mean your alright to Sit there!!" I hide my embarrassment behind my open notepad. Katherine let's out a small giggle. "Your a funny thing aren't ya Shelby" Her voice echoed through my mind, the small giggle too. Something about her was just, attractive. I feel my cheeks slightly heat up. "So, um... why did you come over to me?" I ask, lowering my notepad. "Oh, I couldn't help but notice you staring at me earlier." SHE SAW?! oh god, she must think I'm an absolute creep-oh! "Oh and I also have your coffee." Katherine says, sliding me the coffee. "Oh, thanks" I say taking a sip from it. "I just want to ask you a question," I begin
"Ask away!" Katherine says, fixing her posterior in the chair. "Do you know what it mean to have.... no aura?" I ask, locking my eyes with hers. "Well..." I notice a pink dust emerge on her checks, embarrassment? Had I offended her? "You see, that's the second reason I came over. One having no aura means you are 'soulbound' to them" she begins "your the only one who can't see their aura"
"Soulbound...?" I murmur, taking another sip of coffee. "Some call it a soulmate" she says, clearly noticing my confusion. "To me, you don't have an aura. So I'm assuming the same for you" I say, placing my coffee down. "Yeah."
We both sit in a relatively awkward silence. "Maybe, we should get to know each other?" She proposes "and if we feel like we don't have any romantic chemistry, we could be platonic soulbounds?" A smile grows on her face. "I like that idea, 'soulmate'"

Prompt - A realm where all beings have the gift of seeing others' aura. Shelby meets a gitl who has no aura at all-something she's never encountered. Then she learns why and can't help but to love her for it.

onshots whilst I procrast on writingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant