"We do have a bond- wait, what the fuck are you talking about!?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating!?"

"Oh, well, I'm dating..?"

"And.. really? Dazai?"

"Yes, dazai. Have a problem?"


"Ok fine!" I then told her how it all happened, and she was shocked. She was mostly asking questions like: 'did you both make out already?' or 'when's the marriage?' These types of questions. "Woah.. But it's been 6 months chuuya! Why didn't you tell me earlier!!" But I just shrugged. We then continued our gossip talk until the end of the day like I'd finished my work. "Wait, I gotta run, I have a date to get ready too!"

"OoOoOoOh! Tell me how it'll go! Text me!"

"I will!" And then I ran out of the office and the building, but on my way, the bag of groceries I bought this morning broke and everything fell on the ground. "Fuck! God.. why now!" I quickly tried to collect everything and run with it, but it was hard because they kept falling, so I ended up fast walking.

I arrived at my place, and the first thing I do is put the groceries in the fridge. I then fed Hazel again for his dinner and hurried to prepare myself. And for the 'kind' person I am, decided to do braids with my hair, so Dazai will appreciate it. When I finally finish getting ready, I stepped out of my apartment and went down the stairs. When I left the building and went down the little three steps, I saw Dazai waiting for me, and he was wearing the same causal outfit as every day. "Oh wow, looks like you made an effort chuuya!"

"Unlike you, mackerel."

"Excuse me! I brushed my hair!" I then looked at his hair.. "omg, what did he do. Did he use gel or something? In any case, it's horrid." I walked up to him and stood in front of him. "Bend down." And he did. I messed up his hair all around, making it the usual. "If you want to stay the usual, keep the same hair idiot." But he just smiled and nodded. "God, he's cute-"

I was following Dazai for our date, but it took us a while to get there because 'no access for cars' so we had to walk. "We soon there Dazai?"

"We're here." And I looked in front of me to notice we were on a top of a mountain, with a gorgeous view of the illuminated city and the stars in the dark sky. Not a sound was around, so it was just me and him, together. "Wow.. this is.. beautiful.." he then gently took my hand as we went forward for noticing two glasses of wine on a little picnic table. I sat down on one side and Dazai on the other. We both took our drinks into our hands. "To us." 

"To us.." and ching. He took my other hand and looked into my eyes. "You really braided your hair for me?"

"Tsk knew I shouldn't have.."

"No, you look great..." and we both drank our glasses.

We were sitting on the edge of the mountain, admiring the view we had in front of us. He was holding my hand, and I hold his. "Hey, Dazai.. where do you think we're going after we die?"

"God, I hope nowhere.."

"Why not? It can't just be.. it you know.." but he kept silent, like worried about something. "Maybe we just become one of these stars.."

"Yeah.. chuuya?"

"Or maybe we go into the universe and we get to explore it.. it seems so pretty, would love to explore.."

"Sure.. chuuya?"

"Or maybe it's heaven or hell.. I'm not a fan of this shitty idea because I think we don't deserve a chance into heaven and-"

"Chuuya, marry me." 

I froze. This took me off guard. I turned around to face him. "Sorry.. what did you just say?"

"Marry me."

I kept silent for a moment.. didn't know what to say.. "are you going to make me say it a third-time Chuuya?"

"Dazai, if this some kind of joke, it's not funny..." he sighed.

"Look, I know my sense of humor is broken but would I have bought this as a joke?" He then took out a golden ring with ruby decorations around it. I looked at it, surprised at his declaration.. the ring was gorgeous though. "Look, I don't care where I'll be when I'm going to die, the only thing I care for now is where I'm going to be when I'm alive and.. wherever I go, I- I wanna go with you..."

I still was at a loss for words.. "could you please say something..? I'm starting to freak out."


"Because it doesn't matter how much of a pain you could be, I still love you."

"Is that enough?"

"Well, it is to me"

"Do you really wish to spend the rest of your life with me?"


"Do you really want to see me, all day, everyday day?"

"I think that's kinda the best part of the entire thing, chuuya."

"Do you want-"

"Look chuuya, this is the most certain decision that I ever made until now. I- I mean.. you can say no, I'll understand and-"


He was surprised by my answer, and so did I. "He proposed.. god, can't believe it.." he gave me a little smile and looked right into my eyes. "Come on, take your glove off." I took off my right glove and handed my hand to Dazai so he could put the ring on my finger. When he did, I moved my hand closer to my face so I could admire the ring more properly. "God it's beautiful.."

"Well, I had to fight someone to get it, because they said that the ring would look better on their girlfriend, and they were wrong, I was right. Like usual."

"Fuck, I want to kiss you so bad.."

"Well, now you're my fiancé now... so don't be shy, you can."

"Fine, come here idiot." I pulled him closer to me by his face to kiss him. He broke the kiss eventually and we looked each other deeply in our eyes. "I love you, chuuya." 

"I... I love you too."


A/N: The end! Thank you so much for reading until the end! :D

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