Brother Rivalry

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"Mr. All For One? How did you get here?"

"It does not matter, what matters is that-"

"Little Ms. Aizawa, please wa-"

Silence. Utter silence from the two men came as they eyed the other with more than wide eyes.

Pupils trembling, heart rate increasing, they froze in their places. Not letting the other out of sight.



With no more hesitation, Yoichi ran over to you with his quirk. His speed and agility surprised All For One for a millisecond before he himself activated his quirk.

Yoichi snatched you off the bed and jumped out the window, landing with you on his feet safely.


All For One's voice thundered with rage as he followed you into the streets with his quirk. His red bolting beams tried to smash the other white haired man carrying you.

Not a hit got on the both of you as Yoichi continued to bolt out of his sight with a flash of his quirk. The plan clearly failing as more red beams shot out of his fingers and headed towards the two of you. Destruction ensued with every attack as the streets were mostly turned into rubble.

The bloodshot eyes of the oldest brother were terribly terrifying.

Whilst all came to havoc, you clung with every fiber of your body to Yoichi. Too stunned and scared to say a word. Too shocked to even tear up and cry. Why was everything suddenly blowing up again. Wasn't All For One your 'friend'?

Wasn't everything finally getting just a little better?

You didn't want to black out, no, not again.

You really, really-

"This is going to get ugly... sleep, kid..."


**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"I see... that's what happened..."

Knocked out of the memory, you looked infront of you and towards the buff man, now seated at the ground by your standing height.

Behind him, a soft shadow emerged, a confused and shocked look on her face once she saw you.

"Oh my,..."

Walking over to you, she sighed on the way and took an unwanted seat next to the male.

"Got any idea how, Lariat?"

"I think I do, Shimura-San..."

He accusingly pointed to your head, making you subconsciously cover your forehead.


"Scar. A scar on her head due to quirk mutations."

"Mutations?! Hold on let me see-"


The man abruptly stopped her from coming near you again, even touching you.

"When she came here the first time, she was terribly terrified. Holding on to her was Yoichi. Quirks may activate at times of strong emotion, that is undeniable. But hers,... hers is to rope in other quirks. Never mind the side effect of her wings. That's just her second one... Her real quirk is to rope in other quirks to her. Like a utility magnet. When she got in here due to fear, she must have been with Toshinori. Yoichi touching her made it even worse, causing him to be roped with her and pulled out of the realm."

Widening her eyes at the info, she looked back down to you with shock. Not guilt, not pity, but pure and utter shock to all that was said.

"I-I did that...."

The reveal of you being the cause of what went on outside caused you to tear up, you may have been a child but you didn't know you were the one to cause all that havoc.

"Oh god- Don't cry dear! Don't cry... its alright. Its none of your fault."

Nana tried to calm you down but to no avail. Silent tears were already streaming down your face as you shoved it to your arms. She didn't know whether it would have been a good idea to touch you or not.

Her heart wrenched. How could she not move and do any action whist a child cried in front of her.

So, ignoring Daigorō's warnings, she came close and cupped you in her surprisingly warm arms. A mother's embrace. You felt it in your was..

All the too familiar....

"There there... it's going to be alright darling.... it's going to be just aright..."

Before anything, Nana was a mother. And as a mother, she could not ignore her need to comfort you as much as she could.

This reminded her all too much of her son, Kotaro. The one she had to let go...

A few minutes later, after feeling your grip let go of her slightly, and after the countless of reprimanding from Daigorō, she decided to talk to you once again.

"Better, darling?..."

No answer.


She carefully pulled your body away from her to only find you asleep. Deep in dreams as to continue your earlier nap.


The warmest of smiles took over her face as she continued to embrace your warmth in her arms, welcoming your vulnerable self to her.

"Sleep well, my dear..."


"-and that's what had happened. I did little effort to block the villian. I don't have a license after all..."

"I see, thank you for informing us, Amenoma-San. I will contact pro hero Eraserhead and Present Mic to come and assess the child from your care. If you may-"

"No. The child stays with me until I am sure she is in her parent's arms. She is my responsibility and you have no legal obligation to take her from me."

"But sir, you must be taken to an ambulance, the wound on your arm-"

"I will not move, officer."

Yoichi stood firm in his place with you, unconscious, in his arms. A bleeding took place under his shoulder as it continued to pour down his white shirt and to stain part of your little dress.


Aizawa screeched in with his car, running out of it with Mic right behind him.

"Just great, Just great! What happened?! Who attacked?! You better tell me-"

"Aizawa-San. That is my blood, do not worry. The child is unharmed and unconscious from my actions. I did not want her to be awake amidst the havoc that ensued. And if you are worried about the house, it is untouched. But houses and roads in the area have been obliterated. I suggest that you keep this child hidden once and for all. Whoever villian tried to take her was formidable. I don't know who ..., but I do know this. He will return for her."

He handed you back to Aizawa, who was now silent, and walked back aimlessly to his house. The little stunt with his brother proved one thing to him.

He was resurrected in the future.

He was resurrected....

By you.

Word count: 1111

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