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Aidan's POV

I would have gone back to the bar I was at last night if only I wasn't this tired and hungry. I remember I ate nothing last night and this morning too, I only ate a few snacks as lunch and the sex with that blonde was something else. 

She reminded me of Tessa, she was wild in bed, just like Tessa. She wouldn't let me be. But this morning when she requested money, I remembered her instantly. She was the whore I brought into this same house months ago before Anna and I got married.

I gave her some money and told her never to come back. I was glad I used protection, I wouldn't have brought her in if only I knew she was a slut. I don't like girls like that. Knowing who they are turns me off.

I swing my briefcase tiredly and drag my feet to the door, the moment I came out of the car. I am pretty tired and I want to go to bed after having dinner.

I just hope Anna isn't waiting for me like she did yesterday. I was surprised to see her in the living room. I figured out that she has resumed the role of waiting for me.

Even though I was so mad at her last night, I couldn't tell her what she did and why I was pissed at her. I just thought letting her know her place was the best. I just wish she can stop all of this and let us live in peace as strangers and not as couples. 

That is what I want, especially now that I know she is dating someone again. This thought alone pisses me off.

I hoist my head up when I get to the pavement and the door opens. I see Anna first coming out before my eyes fall on the person she is looking at. She is wheeling my mother out.

I suddenly feel guilty for not visiting my mother for a while now. She usually comes to visit when she misses me too much and after several calls, asking me to come home or something important has happened or is about to happen.

"Mother?" I call and they both look up. 

Anna's countenance changed. The smile on her face is no longer there. She wheels mother further as I walk to meet up with them. Mother must have been waiting for me for long, it looks like she is about to go home. I wonder where Lucy is.

When she is closer, I hug her. When I disengage from the cold hug, I watch her face for answers on what could be wrong and why she is cold with me. 

Did something happen to my father?

Her face looks sad and I begin to think of the possible reason for her outright show of sadness. Mother hides her emotions well unless she really wants you to know something is up.

"Mom, are you ok?" I ask her with concern laced in my voice. She didn't answer so I place my hand on her soft cheeks and ask her again. "Are you fine?"

She removes my hand from her face gently and Anna turns to leave. I don't understand what is happening.

"I came to see you", she only says. 

Is she angry because I didn't arrive home early and because I kept her waiting?

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, mom. Let's go inside", I move to the back of her wheelchair so I can take her back inside but she grabs my hand, stopping me. I really don't like the way she is acting weird tonight and I am scared of the unknown.

"Let's talk out here, I have been here for a long time and I need to go home", she mutters. I try to search her face again for answers but I get nothing.

"I can take you home myself, mother", I suggest but she shakes her head.

She tilt her head to the left, looking at the terrace with a shady view. "Let's go there", she points at the place. 

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