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 Damien's POV

After the call with Donovan, the driver drives into my father's home. I look up at the building, The interior and exterior of the building doesn't cease to amaze me. I love the home because of its coziness and how comfortable it makes me feel. 

This is where I was born but I left home at an early age when my mother died. Ever since then, I always visit but I don't sleep here. 

It has a game room and an inbuilt gym house with a tennis court. The pool here is amazing and I would have loved to take a swim before going back home if only I didn't have other things to do.

When the car stops, I get out and look around as I button up my long sleeve shirt. I miss being here, even though it brings memories that I want to let go of. I begin to walk in when the butler opens the door.

"Welcome sir", he greets me.

"Frederick, how do you do?" I smile at the old man. He was in his middle age when I was a little boy. I know he likes me and I like him too.

"I am fine, sir. Your father is in the living room upstairs", he tells me.

I nod with another smile before walking upstairs. I know my father is waiting for me already.

"Damien?" I hear someone call me from behind. I need no soothsayer to tell me who it is. She is my father's newest attraction and he is already talking about getting married to her. 

Catherina and my father have been together for 2 years now. I don't like her, even though she is kind to me. But I feel uncomfortable around her because she reminds me of someone, Lisa.

She looks like Lisa and the first time my father introduced her to me, I thought it was a ghost. Also, I feel the kind gestures towards me are fake, I feel she doesn't love my father and she is here for a different motive. 

She is always beside my father, even when he is on business trips, which is why this place is always empty, whenever father is out of New York.

"Catherina", I reward her with a smile. I don't know how to pretend when it comes to the people I don't like. 

Catherina knows I don't like her but she is still nice to me. It looks like she is bent on letting me accept her for my father. I am bad at hiding my emotions.

"How have you been, dear?" She touches my arm and I almost flinch at the action. She looks older than Lisa. 

Even if Lisa is still alive, she can't be this old, I say to myself.

"I am fine", I smile again, gazing at her pretty face.

Lisa and Aidan were agemates while I was older than them with 3 years. If Lisa is still alive, she should be 26 years old by now but the woman before me looks like someone who is way past 35 or even 40. My father just clocked 50.

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