Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

We pulled up to the address listed on the note, a city of abandoned warehouses that sent a chill through my body.

"I have a bad feeling," I murmured to Caleb beside me, my gut twisting uncomfortably.

A frown flashed across his features but was gone as Nash turned the car off.

Genevieve had offered to stay behind at my apartment in case someone showed up there, and Jack, of course not wanting to leave her alone, had insisted on also staying behind.

So either side of me was Alyssa and Caleb, with Nash up the front. My mind strayed to Cameron, and the uneasy feeling in my chest worsened.

"We're just gonna give them the money, and get out, yeah?" The hair on my arms pricked up, a weird, terrible excitement coursing through me. We weren't giving them what they wanted.

We only had the five grand Nash got, that was all we could afford. None of the rest of us had any money.

Nash shoved the envelope of cash in his jumper pocket, his face grim.

What will you do if Cam gets hurt? My heart rate spiked, the thought of Cameron lying broken and bloody somewhere haunting my mind. I pushed the image away and forced myself back to the conversation.

"What if they don't give them back?" Alyssa asked, biting her nails. She was maybe even more nervous than me.

Nash's face was stony and hard, his blue eyes cold. "Then we'll get the police." I shivered at the emptiness in his voice. This was a strange Nash.

You're so stupid. Why didn't you just listen to Cam in the first place? A panic began to seep into mind, my body starting to break into a sweat.

Alyssa took my hand gently, squeezing slightly. I took a deep, shuddering breath and followed Caleb out of the car, and into the dark streets.

Nash was up ahead, scouring the dark buildings. "I think it's this one," he called, turning back and pointing to a warehouse to the right, that was identical to all the others.

Silently we followed him through the partially open gates, a large, empty carpark leading a path to the mass of brick and stone.

There were no streetlights on, the only illumination coming from the moon, which was mostly covered with cloud.

The feeling in my chest got worse, and I reached for Alyssa. "I'm scared," I whispered to her, and it was even clear to me the hoarseness in my voice.

She gave me a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes and tugged me forward. "I am too." She squeezed my hand once me before letting go, leaving me feeling emtpy.

Suddenly lights were beaming in our eyes, leaving us blinded for a few moments. I heard the car pull up before I saw it, the tires creating a scratching, popping noise on the gravel.

It was a long, stretch limo, almost completely blending in with the darkness behind it.

My heart nearly completely stopped in my chest as two very large men got out of the car, coming to stand either side of the backseat door.

Muscles roped their arms and legs, their torso's huge barrels of steel.

Nash moved quickly and silently to stand beside me, the warmth of his body radiating toward me. Caleb moved to Alyssa, and any other time I would have smiled smugly toward them. But I couldn't muster up enough happiness to achieve that.

Out stepped a shorter, even scarier looking man. His dark hair was cropped short, and I noticed a diamond glinting from his right ear. The man, obviously, was R.

Robbers // Nash Grierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن